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  • Finasteride
  1. 度他雄胺和非那雄胺都由默克公司销售。

    Both dutasteride and finasteride , sold by Merck & Co.

  2. 男性雄激素依赖性脱发患者应用非那雄胺(1mg/d)治疗后头发重量的变化:3年与4年的疗效

    Changes in hair weight in men with androgenetic alopecia after treatment with finasteride ( 1mg daily ): Three-and 4-year results

  3. 目的:探讨非那雄胺对抗栓治疗的BPH患者继发肉眼血尿的治疗。

    Objective : To study the effect of finasteride on benign prostatic hyperplasia ( BPH ) related gross hematuria in patients receiving anticoagulant .

  4. HPLC-MS测定人血浆中非那雄胺及相对生物利用度

    Determination of Finasteride in Human Plasma by HPLC-MS and Study on the Bioequivalence of Domestic and Import Finasteride Tablets

  5. 膀胱镜检查、留置导尿第7天,PSA值分别升高120.4%及59.1%,而服用非那雄胺可使血清PSA下降35.0%。

    On the 7th ady after cystoscopic examination and indwelling catheterization PSA elevated 120.4 % and 59.1 % respectively whereas after finasteride intake PSA dropped 35.0 % .

  6. IBX选择性脱氢功能在制备非那雄胺中的应用

    Preparation of finasteride by selective dehydrogenation using IBX

  7. 与正常组比较,增生组、益肾通胶囊高低组、非那雄胺组的Ki-67表达显著高于正常组(P<0.01),差异有显著性。

    Compared with normal group , the expression of Ki-67 protein in the hyperplasia group 、 the YST capsule large-dosage group 、 YST capsule low-dosage group and the finasteride group was higher ( P < 0.01 ), there was significant difference .

  8. 结论:坦索罗辛多沙唑嗪+非那雄胺治疗BPH不仅疗效好,可降低患者需要手术的危险性,而且可降低急性尿潴留发生率。

    CONCLUSION : Administration of tamsulosin adds finasteride in the treatment of BPH will not only get good curative effect but also decrease the danger of surgery and the incidence of acute retention of urine .

  9. 目的通过双盲、随机、安慰剂对照研究,评价非那雄胺(保法止■)1mg/日治疗中国男性雄激素源性秃发的疗效和安全性。

    OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the efficacy and safety of 1mg / day oral finasteride ( propecia ■) in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in Chinese men .

  10. 为了检索到所有有关的文献,我们全面地检索了英文和中文数据库,有关前列腺电切术前应用非那雄胺的随机对照试验(RCTs)被纳入我们的研究中。

    A comprehensive search was conducted on four English database and Chinese database . Randomized clinical trials ( RCTs ) of finasteride treatment before TURP for BPH were selected .

  11. 抗生素联合非那雄胺治疗血精症的临床观察

    Clinical observation of Finasteride combined with antibiotic in treating hemospermia

  12. 非那雄胺对小鼠前列腺组织血管内皮细胞生长因子表达的影响

    Effect of finasteride on VEGF expression in mouse prostatic tissue

  13. 气相色谱法测定非那雄胺中11种有机溶剂残留量

    GC determination of eleven kinds of residual solvents in Finasteride

  14. 非那雄胺颗粒在健康人体的生物等效性研究

    Bioequivalent Assessment of Finasteride Granules in Chinese Healthy Volunteers

  15. 非那雄胺与多沙唑嗪联用对鼠前列腺增生模型的影响

    Effects of Finasteride Associated with Doxazosin on Rat Model of Benign Prostate Hypertrophy

  16. 结论:使用非那雄胺可以诱导出稳定的雄性新西兰幼兔先天性尿道下裂模型。

    Conclusion : The experimental model of hypospadias induced by finasteride is stable .

  17. 非那雄胺联合辛伐他汀治疗痤疮患者的临床研究

    The Clinical Study of Finasteride and Simvastatin Combination Therapy in Patients with Acne

  18. 病例组中使用非那雄胺者多于对照组。

    Finasteride use was greater among cases than controls .

  19. 非那雄胺对前列腺增生组织中微血管密度调控的机制探讨

    Effect of Finasteride on Regulation of the Microvessels in Tissue of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

  20. 非那雄胺和立止血联合用于经尿道前列腺电切术的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Combination Regimen of Finasteride and Reptilase in Transurethral Resection of Prostate

  21. 间断低剂量给予与每日给予非那雄胺在治疗妇女多毛症方面的疗效相似

    Intermittent low-dose finasteride is as effective as daily administration for the treatment of hirsute women

  22. 目的:建立液质联用方法测定人血浆中非那雄胺的浓度。

    AIM : A new HPLC-MS method was developed to determine finasteride in human plasma .

  23. 非那雄胺对抗栓治疗的良性前列腺增生患者继发肉眼血尿治疗的研究

    Finasteride : An Effective Therapeutic for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Related Gross Hematuria in Patients Receiving Anticoagulant

  24. 320例男性型脱发量表分析及非那雄胺治疗的临床研究

    Questionnaire analysis of related factors of male pattern alopecia and clinical efficacy of finasteride therapy in 320 patients

  25. 这类药物包括通常用于减少男性前列腺肥大的药物非那雄胺和爱普列特。

    These include finasteride and dutasteride , which are commonly prescribed to reduce a man 's enlarged prostate gland .

  26. 结论:非那雄胺胶囊是一理想的口服制剂。

    Its expiry date was tentatively for two years . Conclusion : Finasteride capsule is an ideal oral preparation .

  27. 女性痤疮患者血清激素水平及非那雄胺疗效观察的研究

    A Study on Serum Sex Hormones Levels in Female Patients with Acne and Its Clinical Effect Observation after Finasteride Therapy

  28. 目的:建立液相色谱&电喷雾质谱法测定人口服非那雄胺药物后的血药浓度。

    Objective : the LC-MS method was established to determine the concentration of drug in blood after taking the finasteride orally .

  29. 对照组中7例血精复发,加用非那雄胺治疗3个月后,5例血精消失(5/7,71.4%)。

    In control group 7 cases experienced recurrence of hemospermia , of whom hemospermia disappeared in 5 cases after treatment with finasteride ( 5 / 7,71.4 % ) .

  30. 结论血精症主要是下尿路生殖道的炎症,尤其是精囊和前列腺炎引起,联合抗生素和非那雄胺治疗是治疗炎症性血精症的有效方法。

    Conclusions Hemospermia is mainly caused by lower urinary tract infection , especially by vesiculitis and prostatitis , which can be treated effectively with finasteride combined with antibiotics .