
  • 网络immoralism;amoralism
  1. 自古至今,西哲们紧跟时代的脚步,不断把西方的政治伦理观推陈出新:美德政治伦理、神性政治伦理、非道德主义的政治伦理、权利政治伦理。

    From the old times on , the western philosophers keep pace with the time and push forth new ideas of western conception on political ethics : virtue ethics , divinity ethics , immoralism ethics , right ethics .

  2. 社会转型期道德困境突出表现为道德评价失范、价值取向紊乱、非道德主义泛滥、社会道德控制机制弱化和道德教育扭曲变形等几个方面。

    The moral predicament during the transformational period of the society is prominently manifested in the loss of the standard for moral evaluation , the confusion of value-orientation , The overflow of immoralism , the weakening of morality-regulating mechanism of the society , and the distortion of moral education , etc.

  3. 非道德主义的道德&尼采道德哲学研究

    Morals of Non-Moralism & Philosophical Study of Nietzsche Morality

  4. 韩非是先秦末期法家理论的集大成者,他的非道德主义思想独具特色、影响深远。

    Han Fei Qin late Legalist theory synthesizer , his non-moral ideology unique and far-reaching impact .

  5. 而这种较为彻底的人性恶理论也使韩非成为了典型的非道德主义者。

    And this kind of relatively complete theory of evil human nature make Han Fei a typical unethical .

  6. 明清之际的人并没有完全走向非道德主义,但他们讲究的是道德功利主义。

    People at that time did not completely fall into non-moralism , but they paid attention to moral utilitarianism .

  7. 最后一部分,主要阐述韩非子非道德主义思想的影响及其作用。

    The last part , mainly expounds the morality of the ideas of han fei zi effect and the function .

  8. 第三部分,主要论述韩非子非道德主义思想形成的历史背景和理论依据。

    The third part , mainly discusses the ideas of han fei zi not moral of the historical background and theoretical basis .

  9. 言论冷血的马基雅维里,一直被视为“非道德主义”的典型代表,受到人们的谴责。

    Machiavelli , whose speech was characterized by cynicism and cold-blooded , was regarded and condemned as a representative figure of non-moralism .