
  • 网络Comsumer Specialties Divsion
  1. 面部色部定位法研究

    Study on positioning methods of complexions

  2. 认为色部定位是色诊的基础和关键理论,也是当前色诊客观化的关键问题;

    A positioning of complexion is the basic and the key techniques of skin color inspection .

  3. 步骤三:添上阴影色和亮部色,使头像饱满起来。那两个人都板着脸一声不吭像是十分阴险。

    Third Step : Paint shadow colour and light colour , enrich head . The two of them were silent , faces set in a sinister cast .

  4. 本片是《科学怪人》的续集。《科学怪人的新娘》并不像大多数续集电影那样缺乏想象力,也丝毫不逊色于第一部(《科学怪人》)。

    This sequel called " Bride of Frankenstein " is as good as its original ( Frankenstein ) which cannot be said of the most sequels , which usually lack imagination .