
  • 网络Informal Institution;informal system;informal rules
  1. 非正式制度与农户借贷行为研究

    Research of Informal Institution and the Credit Behavior of Peasant Households

  2. 非正式制度与乡村制度变迁研究

    Study on Informal Institution and the Institutional Change in Rural Society

  3. 本文运用引力模型检验了中国的制度变量(正式与非正式制度)对中国吸引外商直接投资(FDI)的影响。

    The effects of the formal and informal institutions on inward foreign direct investment ( FDI ) to China are analyzed using the gravity model in this paper .

  4. 正式制度和非正式制度综合作用,构成了对期货公司的监管制度体系。

    Form and informal institutions play cooperative effects on futures companies .

  5. 西部非正式制度安排及漏损现象分析

    Analysis of Informal Institutional Arrangement and Leakage Lost in Western China

  6. 由非正式制度、正式制度和制度的实施机制三个方面组成;

    It consists of informal , formal and the implementation mechanism .

  7. 为此我们构建了基于道德和声誉的会计准则实施自律机制,以期通过非正式制度对会计从业人员的行为进行约束。

    So self-discipline mechanism is constructed based on moral and reputation .

  8. 中国公务员录用正式与非正式制度研究

    Research on the Chinese Civil Servant Formal and Informal Employing System

  9. 非正式制度安排与农地制度变迁

    Non formal institutional arrangement and changing of the agricultural land system

  10. 服务型政府建设中的非正式制度研究

    The Research of Informal Institutions in the Construction of Service-oriented Government

  11. 农村家庭承包制的非正式制度探讨

    The informal research on the family - contract system of the countryside

  12. 赣南农村市场中的非正式制度与近代社会变迁

    Informal Systems and Social Changes in Gannan Rural Markets in Modern Times

  13. 在企业网络中,信誉主要是靠非正式制度维持的。

    In firm networks , reputation is mainly maintained by informal institutions .

  14. 农业可持续发展的非正式制度制约及创新

    Restrictions of Agriculture Sustainable Development from Informal Institution and Informal Institution Innovation

  15. 经济转型、市场秩序与非正式制度安排

    Transformation of Economy , Order of Market and Arrangement of Informal Institutions

  16. 在改革的道路上,正式制度安排不可独立前行,只有加上了非正式制度安排的有力协助,我国的会计改革才能易于克服阻力,轻装前进。

    During the innovation , formal institutional arrangement could not march alone .

  17. 必须确立从强制性的正式制度到重要的非正式制度。

    It is necessary to establish the formal compulsory and informal institution .

  18. 非正式制度探析:乡村社会的视角

    Analysis of Informal Institution in the Perspective of Rural Society

  19. 而有关市场转型理论的探讨却似乎忽视了非正式制度这一块。

    However , the discussing about this has ignored the informal institution .

  20. 鄂中农村工业化中的非正式制度研究

    The Informal Institutions of Rural Industrialization of Central Region in Hubei Province

  21. 进化博弈论与非正式制度分析

    Evolutionary Game Theory and Informal Institution : An Analysis

  22. 非正式制度的核心是诚信机制的建立。

    The core of the informal institution is the establishment of credibility mechanism .

  23. 基于非正式制度下西部开发的路径选择

    Exploiting West of Career Selection Based on Unofficial System

  24. 转型阶段的农村非正式制度研究

    The Research about Countryside Unorthodox System during Transferring Period

  25. 非正式制度视角下的集群企业信誉机制

    Enterprises Reputation Mechanism in Industrial Clusters : From the Perspective of Informal Institutions

  26. 非正式制度下人际关系与交易费用

    Human Relationships and Trade Expenses under the Informal System

  27. 非正式制度、市场秩序优化与经济稳定增长

    Informal institution , Market order and stable economy growth

  28. 非正式制度的管理效能及其建设

    The Management Effect of Informal Institution and Its Construction

  29. 论正式制度与非正式制度的差异与链接

    The Difference and Connection of Formal and Informal Institutions

  30. 非正式制度与乡村传统体育的发展:乡土社会的视角

    The Unofficial Institution and The Village Sports Development : The Local Social Perspective