
fǎn zhì zhǔ yì
  • anti-intellectualism
反智主义[fǎn zhì zhǔ yì]
  1. 除其他事情之外,贾科比女士还指责反智主义浪潮的兴起。

    Among other things , Ms Jacoby blames a rising tide of anti-intellectualism .

  2. 而且,反智主义者,也是这样的模式。

    And anti-intellectualism is also part of it .

  3. 美国文化和政治领域存在着很深的反智主义传统。

    There is a deep tradition of anti-intellectualism in American cultural and political life .

  4. 而不是宣扬可笑的反智主义,这也许会让我们大多数人联想起另一种互联网对话,

    instead of the ironic detachment that maybe most of us associate with memes and other Internet conventions

  5. 事实上,我困惑的根源在于我这辈子真听了不少这种反智主义的话。

    Indeed , the root of my discomfort came from the fact that I 've been hearing these anti-intellectual narratives my whole life .

  6. 二是知识罪恶感与反智主义政策的无奈耦合。这两种耦合强化了他们对体制的依附性,给中国知识分子以后的角色转换带来了难度。

    This coupling could only strengthen the adherence of intellectuals to the political power , which will lead to the difficulty to the conversion of intellectuals in the future .

  7. 而主流电影对阶级斗争和反修防修的长期宣扬,也导致了阶层裂隙和反智主义泛滥。

    Of the " class struggle " and " combat and prevent revisionism " long preached , the mainstream movie has also led to class fissures and " anti-intellectualism " flooding .

  8. 尊德性与道问学&论王阳明心学中的反智识主义倾向

    Honoring Moral Nature and Following the Path of Inquiry and Study & On the Inclination of Anti-Intellectualism in Wang Yangming 's School of Mind