- aneuploidy

Aneuploidy is a chromosomal imbalance of one or a few chromosomes above or below the normal human chromosomal number of46 , which may lead a child to have abnormalities including Down Syndrome .
And , notes Hughes , finding aneuploidy in one or two cells of an embryo does not always mean that the embryo will not be viable .
To study the relationship between the embryo morphologic indicators and the chromosome 21 aneuploidy ;
Centromere Spreading and Out-of-phase Chromatid Separation & A Mechanism Inducing Chromosomal Aneuploidy in Tumor Cells
Ultrasound Findings of Aneuploidy
Tradescantia reflexa plant which has high spontaneous frequencies of non-disjunction is an ideal system for the study of aneuploidy induction .
Aneuploid Detection of Chromosomes 3 , 8 , 10 , 20 and Y in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma as Well as Correlation Analysis with the Clinical Pathological Parameters
Because GVs can be exchanged between oocytes of different quality or age , it is expected that GV transfer may be used to solve genetic or developmental anomalies in oocyte maturation , e.g. the increased incidence of aneuploidy in oocytes of women of advanced age .
For congenital mesoblastic nephroma with DNA aneuploid , simple resection and regular follow up are advisable .
Although a low-level of aneuploidy , an abnormal number of chromosomes , may contribute to neuronal diversity , high levels of aneuploidy may result in developmental abnormalities and disease .