- 名prophase

In mitotic prophase , the compact lumped chromatin of G2-phase gradually decondensed into loose structure . Meanwhile , the loose chromatin gradually reorganized into the chromatin thread structure that was about 80 to 150 nm in diameter . This process was completed in about 30 min.
Edward : Do you mind if I look ? It 's prophase .
The results showed that the intracellular DNA content at prophase or telophase was twice as much as at interphase .
The X and Y chromosome axes have a clear morphological distinction from the autosomal SC.
Synaptonemal complex ( SC ) is a transient structure which happened in eukaryotic nuclei during the first meiotic division when homologous chromosomes are pairing .
BFGF could significantly shorten the period of pre-synthesis phase ( Phase G 1 ), prophase of division and division phase ( Phase G 2M ) .
Advance of Study on Effects of Chfr Gene of Mitosis Prophase Checkpoint & Review
At prophase and metaphase of meiosis of the oocyte , an incomplete conjugate chromosome pair may be observed , possibly the ZW complex . The longer terminal is presumed to be the W chromosome .
The surface spread and silver stained preparation of spermatocytes of Microtus mandarinus have been analyzed by electron microscopy . The results show that behavior and morphology of X and Y chromosome is different from autosomal SC during prophase ⅰ of meiosis .
Coiling structure of prophase and prometaphase chromosomes in Allium sativum
Effect of testosterone propionate on spermatocyte meiosis in mice
Objective To determine the effect of testosterone propionate on spermatocyte meiosis in mice .
At the stage of meiosis prophase , microspore mother cell begin to accumulate callose wall .
In mammals , oocytes are arrested at the diplotene stage of the first meiotic prophase .
Investigation of apoptosis at the prophase ⅰ of meiosis in wheat and its relationship with cytomixis
It first appeared at the chalazal wall during the first meiotic prophase and exhibited continuous fluorescence .
The resting nuclei and prophase chromosomes were categorized as complex chromocenter type and interstitial type respectively .
Fully-grown mammalian oocytes are arrested at the prophase of the first meiotic division within the ovarian follicles .
Scanning electron microscopic observations of chromosomes of the first prophase of meiotic division in spermatocyte of Bana nigromaculatas
The chiasmata observed during the later stages of the meiotic prophase are cytological evidence of earlier cross-over events .
To ensure accurate segregation , homologous chromosomes form stable bivalents through a complex processes which include homologous pairing , synapsis and recombination .
During meiotic prophase ⅰ to elucidate its role in the biogenesis of secondary plasmodesma ( sPD ) and cytoplasmic channel ( CC ) .
Synapsis ( pairing ) The association of homologous chromosomes during the prophase stage of meiosis that leads to the production of a haploid number of bivalents .
In meiosis , the association of four homologous chromatids seen during the pachytene stage of prophase . ( genetics ) used of homologous chromosomes associated in pairs in synapsis .
Results : As compared with control , the numbers of chondriosome ribosome in thymic lymphocyte in experimental increased and the lymphocyte numbers in prophase were more than that of the control .
Zygotes in the prophase of mitosis and two-celled proembryo became active again in metabolism , for a prominent nucleolus , high density of ribosomes and increased number of polysomes in the cytoplasm .
Ultrastructural characteristics of oogonia and primary oocyte in the synaptonemal complexes , pachytene , diplotene and dictyate stages of the first meiotic prophase of striped mullet in the early oogenesis were observed hr using transmission electron microscopy .
Aurora A is localized at the spindle poles from prophase to telophase and has emerged as a critical factor in the assembly of the mitotic spindle .
The region containing residues 256-291 is essential for centrosomal localization . Aurora A is localized at the spindle poles from prophase to telophase and has emerged as a critical factor in the assembly of the mitotic spindle .
Studies on the mutagen effects of the early stage of meiosis prophase on barly