
jìng zhǐ wèi xīng
  • geostationary satellite
  1. Windows下静止卫星云图处理软件

    Geostationary Satellite Image Processing Software on Windows

  2. 地球静止卫星在轨东西向保持的理论和实测结果分析

    Theoretical and measured results analyses of East-West stationkeeping for geostationary satellite

  3. 应用准静止卫星水汽图像导出的风(简称为水汽风)分析东亚梅雨锋云带内中尺度对流系统(MCS)在对流层上层的流出通道。

    Winds obtained by tracking features in satellite water vapor imagery have been used to analyze the upper level outflow in the vicinity of mesoscale convection systems ( MCS ) along the Meiyu front .

  4. SS/CDMA系统能为多波束对地静止卫星的固定业务提供多址和交换功能,该系统上行接入采用CDMA,下行采用码分复用,星上交换采用码分交换,整个系统采取按需分配控制。

    An SS / CDMA system can provide both multiple access and switching to a multibeam geostationary fixed satellite service . The uplink access method is based on CDMA , the downlink on code division multiplexing ( CDM ), and the onboard switching on code division switching ( CDS ) .

  5. 为了充分利用卫星图像逐像点的信息来构造更加精细的中尺度数值天气预报初始场,设计了静止卫星(GMS5)图像逐像点的云分析方法,并进行了初步试验。

    Because of the requirement for high resolution initial field of mesoscale or small scale numeric weather prediction model , we designed the cloud analysis scheme based on single satellite image pixel .

  6. 将这一方法应用于日本GMS5静止卫星的水汽云图,得到东亚地区中无云区域与水汽云图具有相同时空分辨率的对流层高层水汽分布。

    In this paper , we apply this method to the water vapor channel data provided by the GMS-5 , and get the distribution of the clear sky upper troposphere water vapor over East Asia .

  7. 根据对GMS-4地球静止卫星所发定位网格数据的分析,发现同一纬线上两定位格点间象素分辨率的变化率基本保持不变。

    Based on the analysis of grid data for navigation from GMS-4 , it is discovered that the vari bility of pixel resolution between two grid points at the same latitude may be used as a constant .

  8. 自旋稳定静止卫星热设计中若干问题的探讨

    Research on several problems in thermal design for spin-stabilized geostationary satellite

  9. 一次冷涌过程的静止卫星水汽图像分析

    A Case Analysis of Vapour Images of a Cold Surge

  10. 地球静止卫星粒子辐射屏蔽和充电设计原则

    Electrostatic charging and radiation shielding design philosophy for geostationary satellite

  11. 地球静止卫星精密测定轨技术的现状及发展

    Analysis on Current Techniques in Tracking and Orbit Determination for Geostationary Satellites

  12. 静止卫星辐射致冷器温度测量和控制

    Temperature measurement and control of radiant cooler for earth - synchronous satellites

  13. 利用一颗地球静止卫星实现快速寻北的方法探讨

    Discussion on Method of Fast North Finding Using Only One Geostationary Satellite

  14. 关于地球静止卫星远地点变轨策略的札记

    Note on Apogee Maneuver Scheme for the Geostationary Satellite

  15. 利用静止卫星资料跟踪沙尘天气的发生、发展及其传输

    Dust Event and Its Formation , Development and Transportation Based on Satellite Data

  16. 第三章在分析了适用于构造区域卫星定位系统的卫星轨道类型后,提出了利用静止卫星和同步椭圆轨道卫星构造星座的方案。

    Chapter 3 proposed a constellation scheme for a regional satellite navigation system .

  17. 静止卫星倾角控制的最优策略

    Optimal strategies for orbital inclination control of geostationary satellite

  18. 摄动力对静止卫星轨道根数的影响

    Parameter of geostationary satellite orbit affected by perturbations

  19. 地球静止卫星在浮标摆动坐标系中的运动轨迹

    Motion Trajectory of a Geostationary Satellite in the Coordinate System Wobbling with a Buoy

  20. 基于星间距离测量的静止卫星相对自主定轨方法研究

    Autonomous Relative Orbit Determination and Tracking for Geostationary Satellites Based on the Distance Measurement

  21. 静止卫星轨道的高精度确定

    High accuracy orbit determination of geostationary satellite

  22. 干扰隔离度的计算及其对有效利用静止卫星轨道/频谱的应用

    Computation of Interference Isolations and Its Applications to Efficient Utilization of Geostationary Satellite Orbit / Spectrum

  23. 文章简要介绍了改进的静止卫星云图软件处理系统的新数据接口与新功能。

    In this paper , the new data interface and functions of this software are introduced .

  24. 静止卫星发射和定点

    Launching and positioning of geostationary satellite

  25. 地球静止卫星线极化辐射的地面视在极化角

    The apparent polarized angle on the earth from the linear polarized radiation of a geostationary communication satellite

  26. 借助月球引力发射地球静止卫星研究

    A study on launching geostationary satellite at high latitude by taken advantage of the moon 's gravitation

  27. 对地静止卫星运载火箭

    Geostationary Satellite Launch Vehicle

  28. 应用静止卫星热红外遥感亮温资料反演地表温度的方法研究

    Study on the inversion method of land surface temperature by applying IR bright temperature data of still satellite

  29. 纹理分析法识别静止卫星红外云图和监测汛期强对流天气系统

    Identification Geosynchronous Satellite Infrared Image and Detection Violent Convective Weather System in Flood Season by Textural Analysis Technique

  30. 在此基础上提出了作者对地球静止卫星南北位置保持控制系统的选择原则和看法。

    On the basis of that , some selection criteria and opinions for NSSK control system have put forward .