
  • Space TT&C Technology;【航天】space telemetry and control technology
  1. 航天测控技术是当代高新科技的一个重要领域。

    The Space monitoring and controlling technology is an important high-tech flied .

  2. 我国航天测控技术的发展趋势与策略

    Development tendency and strategy of space tt & c technology of our country

  3. 在整个工业的测控技术领域中航空航天测控技术起着先导作用。

    It acts as the leading technology in the whole of industrial M & C field .

  4. 20世纪末,航天测控技术的发展进入了一个高潮。

    In the end of the 20th century , the development of the space monitoring and controlling technology had reached a climax .

  5. 航天领域测控通信技术的发展

    The Development of the Measurement , Control and Communication Technologies in Space Field

  6. 对航天测控领域引入GPS技术应用于载人航天工程中着陆场系统搜索救援工作的必要性进行了讨论;

    This paper describes the necessity to introduce GPS technology into the search and rescue activities in manned spaceflight landing site .

  7. 航天技术对科学研究和国民经济的发展起着重要的作用,其中航天测控技术是保证航天器正常飞行所必不可少的技术手段。

    The technique of spaceflight dose very important work to the study of science and the development of economics , and space TT & C is the necessary instrument of technique that insures the normal flight of space shuttle .

  8. 随着我国航天技术的迅速发展,已有的航天测控系统呈现出很多不足之处,新一代的航天测控技术正朝着数字化的方向发展。

    With the rapid progress of space technology , old space TT C system take on much shortage and new generation space TT C technology is developing towards digital way .