
  1. 在模糊聚类的基础上确定了静态评价指标,借鉴时空消耗概念得出了动态评价指标;

    On this basis , static evaluated indexes are defined according to fuzzy clustering analysis and dynamic evaluated indexes are obtained in term of time-space consume concept .

  2. 本文在研究了主控制室人机界面组成要素的基础上,提出了主控制室人机界面的动、静态评价指标和各个评价指标权值的确定方法。

    After researched the component elements of HMI in main control room , the dynamic and static evaluation indexes are proposed and the weight of each index is confirmed . 5 .

  3. 把具有时效性的降雨因子通过地表汇水面积的表达,转化成为了斜坡坡面汇集地表水的能力来考虑,从而也间接地将降雨作为空间静态评价指标与斜坡的稳定性联系了起来。

    Based on the concept catchment area , the temporal rainfall variable can be translated into capacity of accumulating surface water of slopes , and thus associate rainfall as a spatial evaluation indicator with the stability of slopes indirectly .

  4. 织物静态悬垂性能评价指标提取的研究

    Study on Selection of Evaluation Index of Fabric Static Drape

  5. 静态评价的经济指标主要是净利润、最大现金流出和投资回收期。

    The static indexes include net profit , maximum exposure to risk , pay back period of the investment .

  6. 考虑到传统的静态电压稳定评价指标上存在的局限性,本文采用静态电压失稳概率、期望切负荷指标、风险负荷裕度和条件风险负荷裕度四个指标来对系统进行分析。

    Considering the limitations of the evaluation indexes in traditional static voltage stability , this paper used four indexes to evaluate the risk of power system which called static voltage instability probability , expectations cutting load index , load margin at risk and conditional load margin at risk .

  7. 投资利润率、投资利税率、静态投资回收期是房地产投资的静态财务评价指标,适用于项目的初步评价。

    The investment profit margin , the investment profits and taxes rate , the static investment recycling time are the real estate investment static finance appraisal target .

  8. 运用聚类分析、因子分析法对这些指标进行分析后,归结出评价静态平衡能力的7个因子,确立了静态平衡能力的评价指标体系,并依据该评价指标体系建立了静态平衡能力的评价结构。

    Then with the methods of Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and Factor Analysis , 7 indexes were selected as factors for evaluating the static balance , and the evaluating system was established based on the evaluating system , evaluating structure was also established .