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  • static variable
  1. 在C语言子程序中由于使用了全局变量,或是使用了静态变量,或是使用了指针参数,从而产生副作用。

    The side effect of the subprogram is produced by using public variable , or static variable , or pointer parameter in C Program .

  2. 调用Web服务时,消息处理程序将读取请求的主体,并将整个主体保存在bodyofrequest静态变量中。

    Whenever the Web service is invoked , a message handler reads the body of the request and saves the whole body in the body_of_request static variable .

  3. 静态变量和非静态变量有何不同?

    What is the difference between static and non-static variables ?

  4. JAVA语言静态变量和静态方法的分析及其应用研究

    An study on JAVA 'S static variables and methods

  5. 应用静态变量实现FTP协议

    Realizing FTP with static variables

  6. 在Java程序中,根是对静态变量中或者活跃的堆栈框架上的本地变量中所包含的对象的引用。

    In a Java program , a root is a reference to an object held in a static variable or in a local variable on an active stack frame .

  7. JavaSIAPI定义了一组代表属性类型的静态变量。

    The Java SIAPI defines a set of static variables that represent the attributes type .

  8. BREW平台下模拟静态变量的方法

    Simulative Static Variables on BREW Platform

  9. setupwrappers()函数仅进行一次设置;然后,它设置一个静态变量来表明已经完成,从而使未来的调用能够快速返回。

    The setup_wrappers () function only does this setup once ; it then sets a static variable to indicate that it 's already done , so future calls can return quickly .

  10. 介绍了应用在SOCKET下定义静态变量实现接受文件的方法,把指定远程计算机的发送的流文件接收到主机上,还原文件以实现FTP协议。

    The article recommends a method to receive file with static variables in Internet SOCKET class . The FTP is realized through sending a stream file to another remote computer and recovering it .

  11. 类属性可以在声明时进行初始化,但是如果使用复杂对象类型(例如hash或数组)初始化属性,该属性将类似于Java类中的公共静态变量。

    Class attributes can be initialized when declared , but if the attribute is initialized with a complex object type ( such as a hash or an array ) that attribute becomes analogous to a public static variable in a Java class .

  12. 请注意,readdir()不是线程安全的,因为所返回的结构是存储在函数库中的一个静态变量。

    Note that readdir () is not thread-safe , because the returned structure is a static variable stored in the function library .

  13. 非静态变量则拥有一个与每个对象实例相关联的唯一的值。

    Non-static variables take on unique values with each object instance .

  14. 传统的计算方法求解暂态稳定极限时,没有考虑系统中静态变量的约束情况。

    However , the traditional calculation theories don 't take static variable restrictions into account .

  15. 静态变量与静态数据成员

    Static Variable and Static Data Member

  16. 这里的变量是指客户在各个交易期中的客户保持率及购买率。传统的客户关系价值模型是以静态变量来预测动态环境下的客户关系价值。

    The variables are the customer retention rate and customer purchase rate in every bargain cycle .

  17. 不可重入函数和静态变量

    Non-reentrant functions and static variables

  18. 在租户之间隔离静态变量

    Static variables isolation among tenants

  19. 清单1中的处理程序代码将读取消息主体,并将其赋值给静态变量。

    The handler code in Listing 1 reads the message body and assigns it to a static variable .

  20. 涉及到两个静态变量:您上次检查时间的时间以及时间本身。

    Two static variables are involved : the last time you checked for the time and the time itself .

  21. 在每次启动执行组或部署消息流时,静态变量将恢复为其缺省值。

    Static variables will return to their defaults every time the execution group is started or the message flow is deployed .

  22. 这个语言只定义了静态变量和函数局部变量两中内存分配机制

    The language does not define any storage allocation facility other than static definition and the provided by the local variables of functions

  23. 不应该使用实例构造函数、一些特殊的私有方法、任何其它习惯来初始化静态变量。

    You should not use your instance constructors , some special private function , or any other idiom to initialize static variables .

  24. 根据他们各自的尺寸以及被应用的次数,全局和静态变量被分配到可利用的存储空间。

    Global and static variables are allocated to available memory spaces based on their size , and the number of times they are referenced .

  25. 可以在程序注册表中、每一个线程堆栈中的(基于堆栈的)局部变量中以及静态变量中找到根。

    Roots can be found in program registers , in local ( stack-based ) variables in each thread 's stack , and in static variables .

  26. 例如,不需要跟踪针对本地或者静态变量的存储,因为它们已经是根集的一部分了。

    For example , it is not necessary to track stores to local or static variables , because they will already be part of the root set .

  27. 岩石材料的非均质性不是一个静态变量,而是一个动态参数,与岩石材料内部裂纹的损伤演化密切相关。

    The inhomogeneity of rock materials is not a static variable but a dynamic parameter , which has a close relationship with the crack development of rock materials .

  28. 方法:所有公开变量和静态变量、所有文件输入/输出和所有日志写入都必须修改为使用云资源。

    Approach : All public variables and static variables , all file input / outputs , and all log writing are modified to have to use as a cloud resource .

  29. 尽管C和C++编程人员都非常熟悉静态局部变量,但是C没有向前发展此功能。

    Although C and C + + programmers are familiar with static local variables , C # did not carry this feature forward .

  30. 静态局部变量在.NET以前的VisualBasic版本中就已经推出,因此存在此功能大概就是为了简化旧式代码的移植。

    Static locals were available in versions of Visual Basic before . NET , so presumably this feature is present to simplify the porting of legacy code .