
  • 网络static action;Fsta
  1. 静态作用域数据既包括全局静态项,也包括局部静态项。

    Static-extent data includes both global and local static items .

  2. 静态作用应力法消除铸件残余应力的研究

    Research on the Decreasing Residual Stress of Casting by Using Static Force Method

  3. 为了消除铸件残余应力,本文提出一种新的时效方法&静态作用应力法。

    In order to reduce the casting residual stress , a new aging method , static force method was introduced .

  4. 摸准心态因势利导&班主任工作点滴静态作用域检验-软件

    Finding Out the State of Mind Accurately , Adroitly Guiding Action According to Circumstances ── A bit of a class teacher s work ; static scope check

  5. 常用求算岩石内爆炸裂隙区半径的计算公式中忽略了冲击波的作用、粉碎区的存在以及爆生气体的准静态作用。

    The actions of shock wave , crushed zones and the actions of quasi-static detonation gas are always neglected in conventional formulas of calculating fissure diameter of explosion in rock .

  6. 在大型有限元分析软件ANSYS的平台上,对立柱和底座进行静力学分析,得到静态载荷作用下结构的节点应力云图和变形云图。

    Then the static property of the base frame and the vertical column were simulated with ANSYS . The figures of nodes stress and the deformation were obtained .

  7. K-1,结合位点数为1.081;证实了在实验浓度和温度范围内,PEFL与BSA可结合形成具有一定结构的复合物,荧光猝灭作用符合静态猝灭作用特征,作用力主要是疏水作用力和静电作用力;

    Experimental results proved that BSA could react with pefloxacin to form a new compound in the range of ( experimental ) temperatures and concentrations , the quenching belonged to static fluorescence quenching , action force was electro-static interaction and hydrophobic interaction each other .

  8. 用断裂力学理论和Westergaard方法,确定了复变应力函数,推导出螺旋切槽在准静态压力作用下的裂纹尖端平面应力、应变场。

    Fracture mechanics and Westergaard Stress Function are adopted to build a complex stress function to derive the plane stress and strain fields at one tip of the crack under a Quasi-static pressure .

  9. 混凝土试样在静态载荷作用下断裂过程的数值模拟研究

    Numerical simulation on the fracture process of concrete specimen under static loading

  10. 分界作用表现为:静态分界作用减弱,动态分界作用显著。

    The static dividing function decreases and the dynamic dividing function seems to be striking .

  11. 准静态压力作用下岩体爆破成缝方向与机理的研究

    Studies on the direction and mechanism of rock blasting cracking under the action of quasistatic pressure

  12. 在较大初始静态荷载作用时,切线模量的改变尤为显著,值得引起重视。

    When the concrete was subjected to higher initial static load , the change of tangential modulus became more remarkable .

  13. 提出了构造对地裂发育不但有静态控制作用而且有动态控制作用。

    The inhomogeneous subsidence of ground surface caused by pumping and also the crack displacement caused by tectonic movement were analysed and compared quasi-quantitatively .

  14. 主要针对动态荷载作用,对桥面铺装层结构参数敏感性作了分析,揭示了结构参数对桥面铺装层应变的不同于静态荷载作用时的影响方式。

    This paper analyzes the impact of structure parameters of steel box under dynamic load , which is different from the circumstances under static load .

  15. 化学爆炸荷载属于一种随时间变动的动态特性荷载,材料在动态荷载与准静态荷载作用下将表现出完全不相同的变形特征。

    Chemical explosion load is a dynamic load changed with time . The material will show completely different transformation feature under dynamic load and quasi-static load .

  16. 数值模拟表明:应力峰值较小时,试样的破裂模式与静态载荷作用下的破裂模式相似;

    The failure pattern of rock specimen subjected to dynamic loading is similar to that under static loading when the amplitude of stress wave is relatively low .

  17. 在循环荷载作用下,边坡岩土体除了受到静态力作用外还受到动荷载的长期作用,岩土体对动荷载产生响应,易引发或加剧边坡失稳。

    There are responses of slope under long-term cyclic load , and the degradation of mechanical capability of slope soils causes the slope to become unstable and trigger the movement .

  18. 在水平拟静态荷载作用下,分析了土体的非线性,桩土之间接触面的分离,桩的长宽比等因素,对单桩横向响应的重要影响。

    In static loads , the significant effect of the nonlinear soil behavior , the pile-soil interface separation , and the pile slenderness and width on the response of a single pile are analyzed .

  19. 钢管混凝土在准静态荷载作用下和常温下钢管混凝土抗冲击力学性能研究成果表明,钢管混凝土不仅具有良好的耐火性能和火灾后力学性能,而且常温下具有良好的抗冲击性能。

    The research results on behaviors of undergoing the static load and under impact load at room temperature show that concrete filled steel tube ( CFT ) not only has good fire resistance and post-fire mechanical behaviors , but also has good impact resistance at room temperature .

  20. 对于包含STATCOM的单负荷-无穷大电力系统,分析了STATCOM对系统电压静态稳定性的作用。

    In addition , we study the effect of STATCOM on static voltage stability of one-load infinite-bus power system .

  21. 考虑静态力的作用后,轴系稳定性有可能更差。

    The stability may be worse if the effect of static force is considered .

  22. 静态铣削力作用下的薄板大变形有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis on Large Deformation of Thin-Walled Plate Due to Static End Milling Force

  23. 面内场和静态偏磁场作用下条畴和泡畴的稳定性

    Stability of stripe domains and bubble domains under both in-plane field and static bias field

  24. 这段代码将变得非常过程化,这是过分使用静态的副作用。

    This code is becoming very procedural , which is a side effect of too much staticness .

  25. 依据形成机制和过程可以划分为动态重结晶和静态重结晶作用。

    According to origin mechanism and process , recrystallization in mylonite can be divided into dynamic recrystallization and static recrystallization .

  26. 该片麻岩系由太古宙侵入岩经动力变质作用、静态重结晶作用而形成的构造片麻岩类。

    The gneiss series was formed by the tectonic gneisses of the Archean intrusive rocks through dynamic metamorphism and static recrystallization .

  27. 采用打靶法数值求解所得非线性常微分方程边值问题,得到了扁锥壳在静态温度载荷作用下大挠度弯曲变形数值解。

    Numerical results of bending of the statically thermal loaded shell with large deflection are obtained through solving the boundary value problem for nonlinear ordinary differential equations by using shooting method .

  28. 凡口矿区中生代晚期热事件的加热和保温层的覆盖,使得早期贫矿体经历退火静态重结晶作用,使贫矿体向内部收缩和圆化呈截然边界,总体演变成为高品位的超大型铅锌矿床。

    Heated by the late Mesozoic thermal event and covered by thermal insulation beds , the early low-grade ore bodies underwent an annealing static recrystallization , and became a high-grade superlarge lead-zinc ore deposit .

  29. 结果构建的子宫组织具有明显的三层细胞结构,细胞在静态拉力的作用下具有一定的方向性,上皮细胞表现为一定的极性,呈柱状分布。

    Conclusion indicated that established uterine tissue emerged evident three layers of structure , the growth of cells showed directionality under condition of static state tensile force , epithelial cells showed some polarity and column aspect .

  30. 电磁轴承位置传感器安装的偏差或转子静态载荷的作用使得轴颈的几何中心相对轴承中心产生偏心,即轴承静态工作点相对理想对中位置发生偏移。

    Because of the mounting errors of position sensors or the influence of static loads , a eccentricity exits between the journal and the bearing center , namely the static working point of the bearing will excursion .