
  • 网络Khomeini;Ayatollah Khomeiny;Ruhollah Khomeini;BIK
  1. 较小的,我们已经推动喜欢Bojnurd通过城镇飘扬着黑色的旗帜,大部分为纪念霍梅尼逝世大。

    Most of the smaller towns we have driven through like Bojnurd were flying black flags to commemorate the death of the Grand Ayatollah Khomeini .

  2. 霍梅尼在伊朗国王被推翻后掌权。

    Khomeini came to power after the fall of the shah .

  3. 自从1979年霍梅尼发动革命以来,美伊两国就彼此看着不顺眼。

    America and Iran have been at loggerheads ever since Ayatollah Khomeini 's revolution of1979 .

  4. 伊玛目霍梅尼广场上的茶室。

    Teahouse , Emam Khomeini Square .

  5. 然而霍梅尼革命更广泛的影响产生在其它伊斯兰世界。

    But the broader effect of Khomeini 's revolution was on the rest of the Islamic world .

  6. 但这并不构成每当霍梅尼大叫老美,滚回去!时掉头就跑的理由。

    But that 's no reason to turn tail and run whenever Khomeini shouts yankee , go home !

  7. 1979年的伊斯兰革命推翻了巴勒维国王的政权,霍梅尼开始执掌政权。

    The nineteen seventy-nine revolution forced Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi out of power and made Ayatollah Khomeini the country 's leader .

  8. 自伊朗霍梅尼革命以来,叙利亚就与伊朗在政治、军事和安全领域保持着准联盟关系。

    Ever since the Khomeini Revolution in Iran , Syria and Iran has maintained a quasi-alliance in political , military and security field .

  9. 伊朗已故领导人霍梅尼认为拉什迪1989年出版的《撒旦诗篇》亵渎神明而下达追杀令。

    Iran 's late leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a fatwa for Rushdie in 1989 after the publication of Rushdie 's book Satanic Verses which Khomeni called blasphemous .

  10. 憎恨与怀疑美国是霍梅尼威信的基础,他也不断鼓吹美国将对伊朗采取军事行动。

    With Mr Khamenei 's very being seeming to depend on hating and mistrusting America , that has led to renewed murmurings about American military action against Iran .

  11. 霍梅尼时期叙伊战略合作关系对叙利亚和伊朗及中东地缘政治均产生了重要影响。

    Syria-Iran strategic cooperation relations in Khomeini Era had brought fundamental influences to both Iran and Syria , as well as the geopolitical situation in the Middle East .

  12. 霍梅尼宗教革命后,由于与美国关系的恶化,其核计划和核项目也被迫中止。

    But after the Khomeini Religious Revolution , its nuclear plan and nuclear programs was forced to cease function because of the deterioration of the relations between the United States and Iran .