
jūn yǔ
  • military language/terms
  1. 英语军语的语言特征

    Features of English military terms

  2. 军事术语学学科体系应包括军语史学、军语基础学、军语编纂学、军语管理学和军语应用学等。

    The system of military terminology science should include the study of history , basic theory , compilation , management and application of military terminology .

  3. 军语即军事术语,它是表述军事概念的词语,是英语军事语言中的重要组成部分。

    English military terms , as essential part of English military language , are used in the army with unity and conciseness , and cannot be substituted with civilian terms .

  4. 在翻译时,对英语中有对等的军事术语,都直接采用英语军语,并且根据语境采用多种方式进行表达。

    For those Chinese military terms that have English equivalents , they both directly employ those English military terms and adopt various ways to express the same term according to the context . 3 .

  5. 鉴于目前尚无基于语料库的英语军语缩略语研究,本文作者以《英汉军事术语大词典》为蓝本,随机抽取样本,自建了一个语料库,旨在对英语军语缩略语进行较为系统、全面的研究。

    Based on English-Chinese Dictionary of Military Terms , the author randomly takes some samples out and builds a corpus , aiming to conduct a comparatively systematic and comprehensive study of English military abbreviations .

  6. 研究主要发现:(1)英语缩略语的三种常用构成方法,即取首缩略法、拼缀法和截成法,同样适用于英语军语缩略语。

    The important findings are as follows : ( 1 ) The three conventional word-formation ways for English abbreviations , namely , acronym , blending and clipping , are also applicable to English military abbreviations .

  7. “枪”是军语体系中的基本语词之一,其词汇形式和意义的演化存在着一定的认知理据,这是军语发生认知研究的一个典型个案。

    Gun is one of the basic words in military term aggregate , and its lexical variation arises from some cognitive motivation , which is an typical individual case of a cognitive study of military terms .