
zhèn dàn jì
  • Sinian Period
  1. 我国几个地区震旦纪重力流沉积物的初步研究

    Preliminary research on gravity flow sediments of Sinian period in several areas , China

  2. 塔里木盆地从震旦纪至今经历了多期次的构造运动,包括挤压逆冲运动和伸展运动,但以前者为主。

    Tarim basin has undergone many times of tectonic movements since Sinian period , including compressional thrust movement which is dominated and extensional movement .

  3. 浙西北前震旦纪火山岩的Nd、Sr同位素地球化学

    Nd and Sr isotopic geochemistry of Presinian volcanic rocks in northwestern Zhejiang Province

  4. 粤中前震旦纪基底锆石Pb-Pb蒸发年龄及其地质意义

    Zircon Pb-Pb ages of Pre-Sinian basement in central Guangdong Province and their geological significance

  5. 这一构造系统形成于前震旦纪,可能与格林威尔(Grenville)造山运动相当。

    This structural system was formed in the pre - Sinian , probably related to the Grenville orogenic event .

  6. 华北块体(NCB)与胶辽朝块体(JLKB)是中朝板块东部从震旦纪(680Ma)开始裂解的两个不同的构造单元。

    In the Sinian ( 680Ma ), the Sino-Korean plate began to break up into two different tectonic units , the Jiao - Liao - Korea block ( JLKB ) and North China block ( NCB ) .

  7. 华北地台震旦纪-早古生代地震节律

    Sinian & early Paleozoic seismic rhythms on the North China Platform

  8. 扬子区震旦纪海平面波动与控矿作用

    Sinian sea level fluctuations and ore-controlling processes in the Yangtze area

  9. 湘东南地区震旦纪地层的新划分与区域对比

    New Stratigraphic Division and Correlation of Sinian System in Southeastern Hunan

  10. 湖北震旦纪沉积地球化学特征及其模式

    Sedimentary geochemical characteristics of Sinian period in Hubei and its pattern

  11. 震旦纪大冰期后开始了显生宙。

    After the Sinian Great Ice Age , the Phanerozoic started .

  12. 长江三峡东部地区震旦纪事件沉积

    Sinian event deposits in the eastern part of the Yangtze Gorge

  13. 陕西宁强震旦纪末期的瓶状微化石

    The late Sinian vasiform microfossils of ningqiang , shaanxi Province

  14. 皖西震旦纪冰成岩岩石学研究

    A study on petrology of Sinian glacigenous rocks in Western Anhui Province

  15. 南昌地区震旦纪&早寒武世地层的发现

    Discovery of SINIAN-EARLY Cambrian strata near nanchang , Jiangxi Province

  16. 安徽中南部震旦纪-三叠纪二级层序的划分

    The division of the sinian-triassic second-order sequences in the middle-south of Anhui

  17. 扬子地台震旦纪海水碳同位素的变化

    Changes carbon isotope record of Sinian seawater in Yangtze Platform

  18. 罗圈组为一穿时地层单位,时代为震旦纪&早寒武世。

    Luoquan Formation is a diachronous unit from Sinian to Lower Cambrian .

  19. 赣北前震旦纪构造变形特征及其动力学意义

    Features of the pre-Sinian structural deformation in North Jiangxi and its dynamic significance

  20. 中国南方震旦纪大地构造单元划分与地层分区

    Division of geotectonic units and stratigraphic regionalization of the Sinian in South China

  21. 中国南方震旦纪火山岩特征及喷发构造背景

    The characteristics and eruptive tectonic setting of Sinian volcanic rocks in South China

  22. 南雄境内地质属燕山期花岗岩体及寒武纪震旦纪变质岩体。

    Nanxiong in geology is Yanshanian Sinian Cambrian granite and metamorphic rocks body .

  23. 中国震旦纪至二叠纪古气候

    On the palaeoclimates from Sinian to Permian in China

  24. 徐宿地区震旦纪地质事件及其成因讨论

    Study on Sinian Geologic Events in Xuzhou-Suzhou Area and Discussion on Their Origin

  25. 论华南前震旦纪浅变质岩区填图中存在的问题与填图方法

    Problems and mapping method in mapping pre-Sinian low-grade metamorphic terrains of South China

  26. 其时代主要为震旦纪&早古生代至泥盆纪。

    Its age is Sinian early Paleozoic to Devonian .

  27. 辽宁大连震旦纪水母

    Sinian Medusas from dalian , Liaoning province , Chian

  28. 湖北峡东地区震旦纪软躯体后生动物化石的发现及其意义

    Discovery of soft metazoan from the Sinian system along eastern Yangtze gorge , hubei

  29. 赣北前震旦纪微古植物组合及其时代讨论

    The Presinian microfossil plant assemblages in North Jiangxi and a discussion on their ages

  30. 论扬子准地台西缘前震旦纪基底及其成矿作用

    The Presinian basement on the western margin of the Yangtze paraplatform and its mineralization