
zhèn zhōnɡ qū
  • epicentral area
  1. ②下沉最严重的地区位于震中区;

    The second , the most severe subsidence takes place in epicentral area .

  2. 菏泽5.9级地震震中区地下水异常特征

    Features of ground water anomaly in the epicentral area of Heze earthquake of M5.9

  3. 极震区等震线呈椭圆形,长轴方向为NE,与震中区的黄地-梅村头断裂展布方向基本一致,余震沿该断裂分布,并自NE向SW方向迁移。

    The aftershocks were distributed along the fault and migrated from NE to SW .

  4. 根据近十多年来华北地区GPS网的观测资料,分别计算了邢台、渤海、海城和唐山4次Ms7级以上大地震震中区现今应变场的主应变参数。

    The principal strain parameters of current strain field in epicenter area corresponding to 4 Ms ≥ 7 earthquakes , which was Xingtai , Bohai , Haicheng and Tangshan earthquake , are calculated with the GPS data observed in North China GPS network in past decade .

  5. 利辛M4.1地震前的流磁异常及其变化安徽省利辛县4.1级地震震中区烈度考察

    Anomalies in mobile geomagnetic survey and their variations prior to the Lixin , Anhui M 4.1 earthquake Investigation for intensity of epicentre area of M4.1 earthquake in Lixin County of Anhui Province

  6. 震中区震前的高频地声

    High frequency GEOSOUNDS in the epicentre region prior to earthquake

  7. 强震前震中区附近地震学参数中期震兆标志研究

    Study on precursor symbol of seismic parameters near epicenter area before strong earthquake

  8. 关于唐山地震前震中区地应力测值张性跳动的原因

    On the Mechanism of Observed Tensile Pulsations of Ground Stress Before Tangshan Earthquake

  9. 安徽省利辛县4.1级地震震中区烈度考察

    Investigation for intensity of epicentre area of M4.1 earthquake in Lixin County of Anhui Province

  10. 在震中区,纵波使地面上下颠动。

    In Zhenzhong Qu , longitudinal wave to the ground moving from top to bottom Britain .

  11. 人体感热温度与临震前震中区的热异常

    Relation between temperature feeling of human body and the heat anomaly in the epicenter zone before earthquake

  12. 1920年海原8.5级地震震中区地电阻率各向异性研究

    Study on anisotropy of earth resistivity in the epicentral area of Haiyuan M8.5 earthquake occurred in 1920

  13. 震中区地面建筑物震害的力学特征与地震震中判别

    The Mechanical Characters of Earth-Surface Building Damages by Earthquake in Epicentral Region and the Indentification of the Epicentre location

  14. 文末,用唐山震中区地下水位异常资料,讨论了与震源演化过程的关系。

    Finally , the relationship between Tangshan groundwater level anomalies in epicentral area and focal evolution process is discussed .

  15. 华北北部地区地震中短期前兆场的震中区前兆空区模式

    A model of epicentral precursor gap of seismic precursor field at middle-short term stage in the north of North China area

  16. 近震中区及远区地电阻率前兆异常特征及台站监测能力的讨论

    Discussion on the precursory anomaly characteristics of earth resistivity in near epicentral region and distant areas and the monitoring capacity of stations

  17. 异常的空间展布显示,震中区及其附近为强异常区,并且被弱异常区所包围;

    Space distribution of anomalies shows that epicentre of the earthquake is in strong anomaly area which is surrounded by weak anomaly area ;

  18. 7.2级地震震中区下面存在着两组深大断裂,且在此汇集。

    Under the epicentral area of the earthquake , there exist two groups of deep and large faults , intersecting at this point .

  19. 2高温热泉或强震震中区的基本构造样式为走滑断层左行、左阶雁列带和拉分盆地构造;

    The basic structural patterns in the region of high temperature hot springs or strong earthquake epicentres comprise left lateral en echelon faults and pull apart basins ;

  20. 震前,地磁交汇法出现的异常,再次显示出该方法对地点预测的最大优势,交汇点附近即是未来震中区。这些异常特征对我们认识地震和预测地震都具有一定意义。

    The anomalies obtained with geomagnetic-cross method before earthquake show some superior at the prediction of location , and the crossing point may be the potential epicenter area .

  21. 同时,量测出1920年海原8.5级地震震中区地震断层的最位移量为6.9米。

    Moreover , according to observations in the field , the maximum displacement for the seismic fault in the epicentral area of Haiyuan M8.5 Earthquake of 1920 is about 6.9m .

  22. 大地震(M≥7)发生时在地表形成的错动可分三种类型:第一种是在震中区局部地段有错动;

    When big earthquakes ( M ≥ 7 ) occur , their coseismic faults on earth 's surface are classified as three types : ① The coseismic faults only appear in a small segment in epicen - ter area .

  23. 结果表明,深大构造对背景场起着控制及传递的作用;震中区位于经历了剧烈地壳运动后近年处于相对平静的地区;

    The results indicate that the deep seated major fault plays a controlling and transferring role for the background field , and the epicentral region is situated at the relatively quiet region in recent years , which has experienced violent crustal movement .

  24. 提出了环境工程地质是震害预测预报的基础;地震滞后滑坡将是震中区今后长期内的主要灾害。

    It has been advanced that the environmental engineering geology is the foundation of forecast and prediction of the earthquake hazards , and that the landslide induced will be the major hazard of the area around its centre for a long period .

  25. 模拟大震应力释放反映,大震后震中区附近剪应力值迅速下降,周围一些地区的剪应力值升高,形成未来地震危险区。

    Stress release for simulated earthquakes indicates that the shear stress values decreased quickly in the epicentral region after large earthquake occurrence , and while in the surrounding areas they increased much , in which a future seismic risk region is formed .

  26. 震中区地下水的温度、电导率和Cl-浓度等异常区与呈线性分布的6度烈度区大致吻合,也有力地证明了震中区下面存在一条隐伏断层。

    The anomaly areas in temperature , electrical conductivity and Cl ~ - concentration of groundwater were approximately coincident with the area of the seismic intensity 6 with linear distribution and convincingly demonstrated the presence of a buried fault beneath the epicentral area .

  27. 本文通过卫星图象判读,发现1937年菏泽7级地震的震中区,发育由两条北北西向断裂控制的新隆起,在地貌上表现为现代分水岭。

    Via the interpretation of the Landsat Images , auther find that there developed a new uplift controled by two NNW faults , within the epicentre of Heze earthquake ( Ms ≤ 7 , in 1937 ), which present as the modern watershed of geomorphology .

  28. 他们认为,降低破坏程度的另一个因素是,震中距人口聚居区很远。

    An additional mitigating factor was the epicenter considerable distance from populated areas , they argue .