首页 / 词典 / good

  • mine;thunder
  • 由于下雨时带异性电的两块云相接,空中闪电发出的强大的声音:~电。~鸣。~动。~雨。~霆。~厉风行。

  • 军事用的爆炸武器:地~。鱼~。布~。扫~。~管。

  • 〔~池〕古水名,在今中国安徽省望江县。现用于成语“不敢越~~一步”,喻不敢越出一定的范围。

  • 姓。


(云层放电时发出的响声) thunder:

  • 春雷

    spring thunder;

  • 打雷了。

    It is thunder.


(军事上用的爆炸武器) mine:

  • 鱼雷


  • 布雷

    lay mines


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 雷云

    Lei Yun

  1. 打了个响雷。

    There was a loud crash of thunder .

  2. 雷阵雨马上就要来了。

    A thunder shower is coming up .

  3. 我喜欢各种音乐,从歌剧到雷盖都喜欢。

    I like all kinds of music from opera to reggae .

  4. 全家人聚集在雷的家中。

    The whole family gathered together at Ray 's home .

  5. 他们在小路上挖深沟设饵雷。

    They dug trenches in their path and set booby traps .

  6. 雷用专门的防锈涂料涂船的吃水线以下的部位。

    Ray painted below the waterline with a special anti-rust paint .

  7. 这个想法让雷心慌意乱。

    Ray was getting very hot and bothered about the idea .

  8. 雷和我吃着饭,回忆起那次旅行。

    Ray and I ate our meal and reminisced about the trip

  9. 米雷康姆控股有限公司是一家美国公司在英国的分支机构。

    Millicom Holdings is the British arm of an American company .

  10. 雷是一个表面上嘻嘻哈哈,但内心复杂且情绪多变的人。

    Ray is a complicated , moody man behind the joking front .

  11. 她以前常常责备加雷思花钱如何如何厉害。

    She used to lay into Gareth about how much he spent .

  12. 他们要求坑道工兵修桥或拆雷。

    They requested sappers to mend bridges or remove mines .

  13. 就连那个士兵在比雷杰干什么都不清楚。

    Just what the soldier was doing in Bireij is unclear

  14. 他们正好踩上了饵雷,结果被炸得粉身碎骨。

    They walked right into a booby-trap and got blown to smithereens .

  15. 雷求学期间会在当地的农场干活赚取生活费。

    Ray will earn his keep on local farms while studying

  16. 他冲他们大喊,叫他们小心哑雷。

    He called out to them to watch out for the unexploded mine .

  17. 雷和妹妹勒妮的住处仅相隔25英里。

    Ray and sister Renee lived just 25 miles apart from each other .

  18. 警察在这个地区探测饵雷。

    Police were checking the area for booby traps .

  19. 雷翻了供,声称自己是被逼招供的。

    Ray changed his mind , claiming that he had been forced into confessing

  20. 星期四下了一整天的雷暴雨。

    Heavy thundery rain fell throughout Thursday .

  21. 雷心肠很软。

    Ray wouldn 't hurt a fly .

  22. 他一直觉得雷是被人陷害的,他是个糊涂蛋。

    He has long felt that Ray was set up , that he was a patsy .

  23. 雷蒂听得百感交集。

    Retee listened with mixed emotions .

  24. 老树让雷劈了。

    The old tree was struck by lightning .

  25. 雷轰电闪。

    Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed .

  26. 先生大名,如雷灌耳,小弟献丑,真是班门弄斧了。

    Your great name long since reached my ears like thunder . I am ashamed to show off my incompetence in the presence of an expert like yourself .

  27. 一名行山人士在屯门遭受雷殛。

    A hiker was killed by lightning in Tuen mun .

  28. 是的,我说,但考虑到历史上图阿雷格人的背叛和暗斗,西方人能信任他们吗?

    Yes , I said , but given the Tuareg history of betrayal and infighting , could the West trust them ?

  29. 过去,产品转型通常雷要五到七年。

    Product transitions used to take five or seven years .

  30. 加入我们的行列,穿越历史悠久的普雷西迪奥区。

    Join us for a ride through the historical Presidio district .