
  • 网络Zero Rated;Zero Rate;Zero-Rated;Zero tax rate
  1. 应该趁热吃但店里不趁热提供的(比如在超市里买的鱼和薯条)就是零税率。

    Food intended to be eaten hot , but not supplied hot – fish and chips bought in a supermarket – is zero rated .

  2. 2002年小型公司享受零税率。

    In2002 , the small size company enjoys zero rate .

  3. 我国五家企业在美国胜诉果汁出口享受零税率

    Five Chinese establishments win lawsuit in the US

  4. 零税率吸引了诸多大拍卖行进入这个前殖民地的酒贸易。

    The zero tax rate has attracted big auction houses to the wine trade in the ex-colony .

  5. 任何人做出零税率的供应享受0%的应税应用品率。

    A person making zero-rated supplies is making taxable supplies at a nil ( 0 % ) rate .

  6. 但毫无疑问的是,以当前碳排放零税率为起点而增加的税收将是可行的。

    But there should be no doubt that starting from the current zero tax rate on carbon , increased taxation would be desirable .

  7. 指出保证出口货物不含税出口是各国的基本政策;实行零税率是各国实现出口货物不含税的基本方式;

    It shows that the non-tax export is a basic policy of all countries and the ZETR is a basic way to achieve this .

  8. 多数离岸中心向非居民提供零税率,因此当我们在宣传曼岛时,我们不用花时间来说明我们的税率,琼斯表示。

    Most centres offer zero tax to non-residents so when we are promoting the Isle of Man we don 't spend time talking about our tax rates , says Mr Jones .

  9. 零税率仅适用于其成为波多黎各居民后进行的投资利得和收益,政策有效期至2035年底。

    This rate applies only to income and gains derived from investments made after the person has become a resident of the island and will last through the end of 2035 .

  10. 试点法规规定了服务贸易出口实行零税率或者免税的制度,但法规并没有规定需要符合的条件。

    Crucially , the rules provide that the export of services will be subject to either zero rating or VAT exemption , however , they do not specify the criteria to apply .

  11. 改进棉花供应办法,允许价格浮动百分之六,用新疆棉顶进口棉出口的产品实行零税率。

    Fourthly , to improve cotton supply methods , and to allow prices to fluctuate 6 % , and for exporting products using Xinjiang cotton to replace imported cotton , a zero tax rate will be implemented .

  12. 目前,在实施增值税制度的140多个国家(地区)中,有90%以上采用消费型增值税,而且各国对出口货物一般都实行零税率。

    At present , the implementation of value-added tax system , more than 140 countries ( regions ), there are more than 90 % of the consumer-oriented value-added tax , and the countries exports are generally zero-rate .

  13. 马来西亚正通过提供零税率,来鼓励企业在柔佛州打造西马的数百万桶存储能力。人们在新加坡北部海岸的堤道上即可看到马来西亚柔佛州。

    Malaysia is offering zero tax rates as an incentive to companies to build millions of barrels of storage capacity on the Malaysian peninsula in Johor state , visible across a causeway from the northern coast of Singapore .

  14. 由于在组织内部实行低税率甚至零税率,对外则实行统一或差别性的关税,从而使得商品、资本和劳动力的流动性大大增强,进而增加了各国税基的弹性。

    There is low or zero tax rate in the organizations and flat or different tax rate out of the organizations , so it is the result to make the goods , capital and worker more flowing and make the tax base more elastic .

  15. 多起案件因申请人撤诉、国内产业无损害等原因终止调查,或者企业因其科学健全的成本核算体系而获得零税率的待遇。

    In many cases , the anti-dumping investigations were terminated because of the withdrawal of the applicants or there was no damage to the domestic industry . In some other cases , the responding companies got the treatment of zero tax-rated because of their scientific and sound cost accounting system .

  16. 如果你把避税地定义为:为吸引非本地基金,提供宽松的监管,极低(甚至是零)税率以及保密保障的地方,那么全世界有50-60个这样的避税港。

    If you define a tax haven as a place that tries to attract non-resident funds by offering light regulation , low ( or zero ) taxation and secrecy , then the world has 50-60 such havens .