
línɡ shòu yè
  • retail business;retail trade;retailing
  1. 对零售业进入后WTO时代的思考

    The thinking of period after enter WTO about retail business

  2. 随着中国零售业的全面市场开放,进入WTO后过渡期。

    For the retail business being opened , overall market of china entering WTO " After Transition period " .

  3. 结果表明零售业市场繁荣。

    The result was indicative of a strong retail market

  4. 几个月来,零售业和汽车的销售一直不错。

    Retail sales and car sales have been bubbling along , quite nicely , for some months .

  5. 正如我们在新书《媒人》中所言,零售业正在重塑。

    The retail industry is getting reinvented , as we describe in our new book Matchmakers .

  6. 实体零售业的混乱局面很难与人口普查数据保持一致。

    The turmoil on the ground in physical retail is hard to square with the Census data .

  7. 近来,手机的兴起使零售业的再创造变得更加复杂。

    The rise of the mobile phone has recently added a new level of complexity to the process of retail reinvention .

  8. 显然,零售业再创造的方法并非线上线下零售之间简单的一场血战。

    It is becoming increasingly clear that retail reinvention isn 't a simple battle to the death between bricks and clicks .

  9. 零售业再创造不是一个简单的过程,也不是发生在过去的“互联网时代”。

    Retail reinvention is not a simple process , and it 's also not happening on what used to be called " Internet Time . "

  10. WebSphereCommerce是网上零售业一个行业领先的解决方案。

    WebSphere Commerce is the industry-leading solution for web retail .

  11. 基于RFID技术的连锁零售业自动识别信息系统研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Chain Retailing Auto-Identification Information System Based on RFID Technology

  12. 基于聚类算法的零售业CRM数据挖掘的应用

    Application of Retail-CRM Data Mining based on Clustering Algorithms

  13. 基于ASP模式的零售业采购联盟平台研究

    Research on Retail Procurement Alliance based on ASP

  14. 我国加入WTO后,零售业成为开放程度最高、竞争最激烈的行业之一。

    After our country joined the WTO , retail business becomes one of the most fierce and opening degree most highly industry .

  15. 零售业CRM系统中的数据挖掘探讨

    Data Mining Rule in Retail-CRM

  16. 零售业由原来的百货业一统天下,到如今超市、购物中心、便利店,再到集多种业态、行业于一体的ShoppingMall,以及网络购物。

    The retail industry has transform from store to supermarket 、 shopping center 、 shopping mall and E-commence .

  17. 英国零售业巨头乐购(Tesco)在韩国的分店HomePlus便是这一理念的先行者。

    Korean grocer , home plus , a division of English giant Tesco ( Teso ) , pioneered this concept .

  18. 从非接触卡到手机的发展解读美国零售业结算的变迁&兼谈中美RFID发展的差异

    From Card to Mobil : The Change of Retail Accounts in USA & The Difference of RFID Developing between China and USA

  19. 本文还具体的分析了零售业、通信业、移动通信业等行业在RFID应用上的发展潜力和创新点。

    This paper also analyzes the potential development and innovations of RFID application in retail , communications , Mobile communications and other industries .

  20. 讨论了国内手机零售业的发展历程并进行了行业的五力分析,在此基础上探讨WTO对行业竞争格局、竞争方向的影响和行业生命周期分析。

    Discuss the industry life cycle and the influence of WTO , as the domestic mobile phone retail industry undergoes great changes in the aspects of competitive structure and direction .

  21. R特许连锁公司通过在山东省的三四级市场以大力发展连锁加盟店的战略,力求在竞争激烈的家电零售业中取得竞争优势。

    R Franchise Company in Shandong province is trying to gain the advantage over its competitors in the fierce competitive environment by developing chain stores through level 3 and 4 markets .

  22. 花旗集团(Citigroup)驻上海的零售业分析师陈咏娴(SandyChen)表示,截然不同的方式反映出这两家连锁企业各自的经营哲学。

    Sandy Chen , retail analyst at Citigroup in Shanghai , says the radically different approaches reflect the two chains ' business philosophies .

  23. 从中国的市场环境和中国零售业的发展看,发挥零售业PB渠道整合的功能具有重要性和迫切性。

    In view of the environment of Chinese market , it is important and urgent for Chinese retail trade to make full use of PB channel integration .

  24. 包括YZ集团曲阜店库存管理问题的分析以及零售业库存管理问题分析等。

    And retail inventory management problem analysis .

  25. 本文运用企业X再造理论与日本丰田汽车公司的准时化生产方式(JIT)分析超级市场的供应链,并以零售业巨头沃尔玛公司为例,进一步阐明了超级市场供应链的X再造。

    By utilizing the theory of X-Engineering the Corporation and the YIT producing methods , we understand something about X-Engineering the supply chains of the supermarket . Wal-Mart serves as a example here .

  26. 零售业在一国经济中具有控制市场、决定生产、影响金融的作用,因此在后WTO时代,促使中国零售业的发展壮大是尤为重要的。

    The retailing has such functions controlling the market , deciding the production , influencing finance in a country economy . Therefore , in Post-WTO times , it is especially important to urge the Chinese retailing growing strong .

  27. 2005年是中国加入WTO后,零售业全行业开放的一年,大量的国际零售巨头进入中国,我国连锁零售企业要在激烈的竞争中站住脚,必须以有效的物流配送作支撑。

    The whole retail trade has be opened in 2005 after China had entered WTO , and many international retailing magnates are coning into China , so multiple shops must depend on effective distribution to win in competition .

  28. 最后对数据挖掘在零售业CRM的作用和发展前景作了总结。

    In the last , it reaches a conclusion of the significance and the prospect of DM in retailing CRM , which is of great importance to the success for retail enterprises .

  29. 本文分析了零售业实施CRM时存在的问题,提出了相应的解决机制,并总结了零售业CRM的建设框架。

    This text has analyse the question that the retail business exists while implementing CRM , has put forward the corresponding settlement mechanism , have summarized the construction frame of retail business CRM .

  30. 我国加入WTO后,零售业竞争加剧,提升我国零售企业竞争力,发展大型连锁零售企业集团已是当务之急。

    After China 's entry into the WTO , the domestic retail industry sees even more fierce competition . Therefore , it is urgent to improve the competence of China 's retailers and develop some of them into large retail groups .