
  • 网络zero inventory;Zero Inventory Management;just-in-time inventory management
  1. 医学院校实验耗材零库存管理方法探究

    Exploration on Zero Inventory Management Methods in Medical Academy Experiment Expendables Storehouse

  2. 将第三方物流引入本项目的物资管理,且实现了物资的零库存管理;

    The Third Party Logistic has been introduced to material management , and realized zero inventory management of materials .

  3. VMI在零库存管理应用中的研究

    Application of VMI in " Zero Inventory " Management

  4. tazreen火灾更应归咎为过分关注快速时尚、零库存管理和低价格的全球生产体系。

    The fire at tazreen is the fault more widely of a global production system dominated by the concerns of fast fashion , just-in-time inventory management and low prices .

  5. 基于区域性的医院药品零库存管理模式的研究

    Research on Model of Medicine JIT Management Based on Hospitals in District

  6. 企业零库存管理策略研究

    Study on the Management Strategy of Zero Stock in Enterprises

  7. 浅谈企业存货管理中的零库存管理

    Talking about " Zero Inventory " Management in Enterprises ' Inventory Control

  8. 零库存管理理论在制造企业中的应用

    Application of Zero inventory Control Theory in Manufacturing Enterprises

  9. 文章就企业如何实现产品的零库存管理进行了探讨。

    This paper probes into how the enterprises to realize products ' " zero inventory " management .

  10. 医院消耗性器材零库存管理方案的建立与实施

    The establishing and implementing of the managing project of " Null-Stock " for consumptive material in hospital

  11. 即时制采购下的零库存管理可以最大限度地减少库存,也同时对供应商提出了更高的要求。

    JIT purchasing can cut down the inventory enormously , but its requirement for supplier is higher at the same time .

  12. 设备科仓库超市化仓储代理式零库存管理新模式的探索

    Probing into the new administrative model in " The zero stock " and " the supermarket " storage deputy to warehouse of equipment department

  13. 本文介绍了零库存管理的概念及内涵,实现零库存的途径,以及提及影响企业实现零库存的因素。

    This paper introduces the concept and the connotations of Zero Inventory management , Points out the complications of which affect Zero Inventory realized by enterprises .

  14. 公司创立之初就沿袭着三星集团本部的生产运营模式。库存管理方面一直使用的是零库存管理模式。

    From its inception the company followed the Samsung Group headquarters on the production mode of operation , and has been using the " zero inventory " management .

  15. 零库存管理也是我国制造业企业的薄弱环节,本文从零库存管理的三个方面的作用分析零库存在制造企业的应用。

    Zero inventory management is also a weak part in Chinese manufacturing Industry management , this paper analyses the application of zero inventory in the manufacturing industry from three aspects .

  16. 方法分析零库存管理的利弊,结合我院药库现状,总结实施相对零库存管理的比较可行的方法。

    METHODS Analyze advantages and disadvantages of null stock in hospital drug storehouse , and the present condition of our hospital , sum up the specific method of carrying out null stock .

  17. 在此基础上进行了数值仿真,结果显示,服装原材料零库存管理模式能够压缩企业库存成本并快速响应市场。

    The numeric simulation shows that the new mode of zero-inventory management of raw material makes an apparel enterprise possible to cut down the inventory cost and perform quick response to the market .

  18. 零库存管理是企业管理的核心部分,如何减少库存成本,提高企业利润增长,一直是困扰企业的一大问题。

    Zero inventory management is the hardcore of the enterprise management , the problem of how to decrease the storage cost and increase the profit is always a big difficult problem in enterprise .

  19. 运用准时制作好企业的零库存管理工作,加速资金周转,提高资金使用效率。

    Use and make and do a good job of zero stock control of the enterprise on time , accelerate the turnover of the fund , Improve the service efficiency of the fund .

  20. 供应商-船管部-船舶的信息流动模式提高了信息效率,供应商-船舶的备件物流模式不仅使备件零库存管理得以实现,也为企业节省了大量的运输成本。

    The information mode of supplier-ship management department-ship improves the information exchanging efficiency greatly . The supplier-ship logistics mode not only realizes the goal of Zero-Inventory Management , but also save a lot of expenditure on transportation .

  21. 在研究分析国内现有的五大类医用耗材分类方法的基础上,结合医院实际应用,提出了零库存管理方案下的较为科学合理的分类方法。

    Based on the research and analysis on the existing kinds of classifications , this article unifies practical application in hospital and proposes " null-stock " classification method under the management plan , which seems more scientific and reasonable .

  22. 并且论述了武汉华润啤酒物料控制优化方向,引入零库存管理理念、完善企业信息系统、调整企业物料控制战略、协同化或一体化物料控制战略。

    Finally , the thesis points out discussed the direction to improve material controlling , and introduces the zero stock management principle , perfect enterprise information system , adjusting material controlling strategy and co-operational and integrated material controlling strategy .

  23. 将企业信息化实施与精益管理进行有机地结合,对企业的管理流程重组与优化,通过订单拉动、总部零库存管理、供应单位及时供货等管理方式的转变实现了配件管理的精益销售。

    Enterprise informatization implementation and lean management organically , through process reengineering optimization , through order pulling , headquarters of zero inventory management , supply units timely supply , change the way of management implementation of spare parts management lean sales .

  24. 将供应链管理思想与大连钢铁集团物资供应管理实践相结合,优化了其采购流程,提出了原主材料零库存管理的库存管理策略和实施方法,并重构了其组织机构。

    Combining with SCM ideas with the practice of material supply management of Dalian Steel & Iron Corporation , the means of " zero inventory " management for main materials and corresponding implementary methods are presented , and organization structure is reconstructed meantime .

  25. 第二章论述了供应链管理环境下的库存问题、供应链中的不确定性与库存、库存管理与零库存管理两者之间的协调和供应链管理中存在的问题。

    The second chapter discusses the stock problems under the environment of supply chain management , the relationship between the uncertainty in the supply chain and stock , the coordination between stock management and zero stock management and the existing problems in the supply chain management .

  26. 目前行业的零备件库存管理大多是遵循旧的制造行业库存管理理论,比如供应商管理库存,JIT,寄售等。

    Currently , the spare parts inventory management is preferred to the traditional manufacturing industry theory , such as vendor manage inventory , the JIT , consignment and so on .

  27. A公司售后服务零配件库存管理方案探讨

    The Research of A Company Service Department for Spare Parts Inventory Control Improvement

  28. 论文针对国际市场汽车零配件库存管理应用需求,设计并实现了一套零配件跨国贸易库存控制系统软件。

    The paper designed and achieved a software of real-time stock control system used for the spare parts cross-border trade .

  29. 此外,对全面推行“零库存”管理模式的必要性和可行性进行了详细的讨论。

    In addition , the necessity and feasibility of extensively pursuing the " zero-stock " management mode were discussed in detail .

  30. 零备件库存管理是设备密集型企业为保证设备连续运转,合理使用库存资金而进行的一项重要工作。

    Spare parts inventory management is important for the equipment intensive enterprises to keep continuous operation and make efficient use of inventory budget .