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diāo xiàng
  • statue;sculpture;carving;monument;image;bust;effigy
雕像 [diāo xiàng]
  • [statue;bust] 雕刻或雕塑的像

雕像[diāo xiàng]
  1. 由公众捐资建起一座纪念他的雕像。

    A statue in his memory was erected by public subscription .

  2. 他们认为这座雕像糟蹋了纳税人的钱。

    They believe the statue is a waste of taxpayers ' money .

  3. 这座雕像是用整块石料雕成的。

    The statue was carved out of a single piece of stone .

  4. 我们踏过湿漉漉的草地去看那座雕像。

    We tramped across the wet grass to look at the statue .

  5. 雕像用一双盲眼俯视着他们。

    The statue stared down at them with sightless eyes .

  6. 这些雕像都是用整块大理石雕成的。

    The figures were sculpted from single blocks of marble .

  7. 这座雕像是古时运到罗马的。

    The statue was brought to Rome in antiquity .

  8. 这些雕像是在实心岩石上凿出来的。

    The statues were hewn out of solid rock .

  9. 人们认为他制作的贝多芬雕像是他在事业上取得的最高成就。

    His ‘ Beethoven ’ sculpture is seen as the crowning achievement of his career .

  10. 这是一个猫头雕像的毛坯。

    It is a rough-hewn carving of a cat 's head .

  11. 请看这座萨卢斯蒂奥·班迪尼的雕像,他是一位杰出的锡耶纳人。

    Note the statue to Sallustio Bandini , a prominent Sienese

  12. 我一直都很讨厌那座雕像。它让我心里发毛。

    I always hated that statue . It gave me the creeps .

  13. 上面的3尊雕像可能是罗马诸神。

    The three statues above are probably Roman divinities .

  14. 一些枪炮被回炉后用来建造了一座雕像。

    Some of the guns were melted down and used to help build a statue

  15. 这座雕像上的一些风格元素让人完全捉摸不透。

    There are some stylistic elements in the statue that just don 't make sense .

  16. 他们心情复杂地凝视着这尊雕像,既为它的美丽折服又心生忌妒。

    They gazed in a mixture of envy and admiration at the beauty of the statue .

  17. 我目不转睛地看着那尊雕像。

    I stared fixedly at the statue

  18. 那座塔的顶部矗立着一尊巨型雕像,与整个建筑完全不成比例。

    The tower was surmounted by an enormous statue , utterly out of scale with the building .

  19. 靠了5个强壮的男子才将雕像拉上坡道,再下放到合适的位置。

    It took five strong men to heave the statue up a ramp and lower it into place

  20. 在很多情况下,他们从头到尾都只做大的东西——大碗,大雕像,大面具,所有东西都是大的。

    They have gone the route , in many cases , of just big — big bowls , big statues , big masks , big everything .

  21. 那个伟人的雕像是用金属雕刻的。

    The statue of the great man was sculpted from metal .

  22. 这些惟妙惟肖的雕像实在令人叹为观止。

    These lifelike statues can only make one marvel .

  23. 一座新出土的青铜雕像被放在大厅中央展示。

    A newly unearthed bronze statue is displayed in the centre of the hall .

  24. 这座雕像是用大理石雕刻的。

    This statue was carved out of marble .

  25. 他把石头雕成了一座雕像。

    He chiselled the stone into a statue .

  26. 它看上去像一个巨大的雕像。

    It looked like a colossal statue .

  27. 巧妙配置的灯光把大理石雕像映衬得栩栩如生。

    Skillfully placed lights throw the marble figures into clear relief .

  28. 雕像建造在奥林匹亚潮湿的小树林中。

    The statue was erected in a damp grove at olympia .

  29. 雕刻家把大理石块凿成优美的雕像。

    The sculptor chiselled the lump of marble into a fine statue .

  30. 雕像幸存了下来,缺了一条腿。

    The statue survived through minus a leg .