- pistil

[pistil] 花的一部分,一般在花的中央,下部膨大,上部细长,受精后发育成果实
GENESIS has little effect to the pistil fertility .
The results show that the development of pistil is related to higher concentrations of IAA and iPAs .
Monterey 's transpiration of pistils and stigmas are lowest . Monterey
The Temporal and Spatial Changes of Phosphorylase mRNA Expression in Rice Pistils
Objective : To extract the total RNA from the pistil of Pyrus pyrifolia ;
Phosphorylase gene expression was localized in tissue sections of rice pistils before and after fertilization by in situ RNA hybridization .
Pollination induced ethylene synthesis and 1 aminocyclopropane 1 carboxylate oxidase gene expression in the gynoecium of Phalaenopsis orchid flower
The expression of F9 gene could affect the morphology of pistils and stamens .
The changes of DNA contents in buds took on double peak curve and the first peak occurred at the later period of physiological differentiation and the second at the period when most of stamen and pistil had started differentiation .
An anatomical study on the GYNOECIUMS of some species of Lauraceae and its systematic significance
S-RNase encoded by gametophytic self-incompatibility S-gene from plant pistil will degrade pollen mRNA or rRNA of plants with the same genotype , hence resulting in plant self-incompatibility .
In addition , the S-gene of coding S-receptor kinase ( SRK ) in pistil is also obtained from the Brassica .
Endogenous JAs ( JA and MeJA ) were measured in stamens , pistils , lodicules and lemmas using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) based on the monoclonal antibody to MeJA .
S-RNase plays a key role in Gametophytic Self-incompatibility . The HV domain of S-RNase amino acid sequence was viewed as the key site of specific-recognition between molecules .
Sequence of TMV relative contents of different organs on plants after inoculated from the highest to the lowest is below : corolla , ovary , calyx , stamen , pistil .
The phase of carpel differentiation and pistil differentiation were were relatively short , only about 3-5 days , and the phase from inflorescence primordium differentiation to sepal differentiation is relatively long .
The temperature is main factor to fertility . Under the natural condition , the pistil of A2-CMS has little abortion or no abortion and the stamen can shed pollen with high temperature which make a little self-seed .
Results of RT-PCR revealed that SLF expressed exclusively in anthers , and S-RNase exclusively in pistils , suggesting that they may participate in SI responses .
The experimental results showed that the stigma had positive correlation to the pistil , the style and the stem of the flower when the stigma length was over 10 mm .
Gus staining of transgenic plant seedlings and mature plants tissues indicated that the mutant gene was expressed in vascular tissue of the Arabidopsis seedlings and in vegetative organs , also expressed in the pistil and stamen . 5 .
The developmental morphology of the obturator and micropyle and the pathway of the pollen tubes in the ovarian locule in Phellodendron amurense Rupr . have been investigated by scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy .
The encoded protein of gametophytic self incompatibility pistil gene was S RNase that contains ribonuclease activity , while the encoded protein of pollen gene was not found at present .
The ratio of the pistil abortion of " Katy " was 74.26 % under the normal manage , and it reduced to 60.67 % by using the vase form tree-training system and PP_ ( 333 ) . But the effect of using 6-BA is not so good .
But the petals of 533A was shrink , the size was 50 % - 60 % theirs maintainers , length of the four stronger stamen was 1 / 3-1 / 2 of height of pistil , pollen abortive is no thorough and had a little pollen .
Study on the correlation between apricot pistil abortion and meteorological factors
Ultrastructural study of transmitting tissue in the pistil of sweet potato
( botany ) having pistils and stamens in separate flowers .
Studies on the development of pistil and fertilization in Prunus mume
Ovary wall ruptured 4 ~ 5 days after fertilization .
Biological Study of Pistil Morphology and Pollination of Asarum henryi