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  • 网络tepal;perianth
  1. 植物体的生殖器官,具有雄蕊、雌蕊或二者兼具,通常还包括萼片、或萼片和花瓣组成的花被片。

    The reproductive portion of the plant , consisting of stamens , pistils , or both , and usually including a perianth of sepals or both sepals and petals .

  2. 白兰开花过程中花被片结构的变化与释香机理

    Variation in Perianth Structure during the blooming of Michelia alba DC . and Its Aroma Emission Mechanism

  3. 以长筒石蒜为例,探讨了花被片DNA的提取方法。

    The perianth DNA extraction method was delved into taking Lycoris longituba as example .

  4. 长筒石蒜花被片DNA的提取及ISSR体系的建立

    A Study on the Perianth DNA Extraction and Optimization of ISSR Reaction System in Lycoris longituba

  5. 含笑花被片展开过程中香精油化学成分的GC-MS分析

    GC-MS analysis of the essential oil from Michelia figo perianth during its unfolding

  6. 施钾还可减缓瓶插期间鲜切花叶片和花被片中可溶性糖、淀粉和叶片中蛋白质含量的下降以及花被片中MDA含量的升高。

    During the period of cut flower in vase , applied K also delays the reduction of leaf and petal starch and soluble sugar content and leaf protein content and the increase of petal MDA content .

  7. 运用宏观形态学和光学显微镜方法,对小花草玉梅Anemonerivularisvar.flore-minore正常花和变态花的花被片进行了比较研究,以期更好地理解该分类群花被片变态过程。

    Sepals of the normal and metamorphosed flowers in Anemone rivularis var. flore-minore were comparatively studied by using the methods of macroscopical morphology and microscopical observation for having a better understanding of the processes of floral metamorphosis in this taxon .

  8. 四种荞麦的花被片脉迹数目是不同的。

    The number of tepal trace is various on four kinds of fagopyrum .

  9. 在花被片中分布有油细胞,油细胞也是形成挥发性香气的场所。

    Many oil cells distributed in the basic parenchyma were also the position of fragrance formation .

  10. 白兰花被片与成熟叶片的解剖结构存在差异,表明花被片与叶片香气释放机理不一致。

    Difference between the perianth and mature leaf in anatomic structure indicated they had different aroma emission mechanisms .

  11. 杏黄色和黄绿色的花被片(包括中被片和内被片)中还含有微量的叶绿素a,而其他色泽的花被片中不含有叶绿素a;

    The apricot-yellow and yellowish green tepals contained a spot of chlorophyll a compared with the other tinctorial tepals .

  12. 去雄和切除花被片实验表明,蜜汁较花粉作为食物报酬对访花者更具吸引力。

    Treatments of emasculation and perianth removal showed that the rewards of nectar was more attractive than pollen to pollinators .

  13. 花深色的紫色的或带紫色蓝色;外部花被片具深色的和有时也白色线从具髯毛辐射状的。

    Flowers dark violet or purplish blue ; outer perianth segments with darker and sometimes also white lines radiating from beard .

  14. 电镜下观察到花被片表皮细胞塌陷、细胞间隙出现裂痕,细胞中的线粒体、溶酶体等细胞器出现不同程度解体,细胞壁严重弯曲、变形,花被片脱落萎凋。

    The epidermal cells of petals collapsed , intercellular space cracked , mitochondria , lysosomes and other organelles disintegrated in various degrees . Petals stripped off with the deformation of cell wall .

  15. 另外,研究结果分析表明:雄蕊数目比花被片数目和胞果是否开裂等性状在苋属植物分类中更有意义。

    The study also indicated that the number of stamens has more phylogenetic information than other characters , such as the number of sepals and dehiscence / indehiscence of fruits in Amaranthus .