
  • 网络collective behavior;collective action;communal behavior;collective behaviour
  1. 刚性与非刚性Moran集(英文)理性与非理性之辨:网络集群行为的产生及其演变

    THE STIFF AND NON-STIFF MORAN SETS ; The Discrimination of Rationality and Irrationality : the Appearance and Evolution of the Internet Collective Behavior

  2. 个体相对剥夺感对集群行为倾向有显著正向预测作用。

    Relative deprivation could positively predict collective behavior tendency . 5 .

  3. 基于技术创新的产业集群行为的Swarm仿真

    The Industrial Cluster Behavior Swarm Simulation Based on Technical Innovation

  4. 概括出网络集群行为的IEC交互式矩阵型形成机理。

    Conclusion of the IEC interactive matrix formation mechanism of cyberspace collective behaviour .

  5. 大学生集群行为的预防与处理

    On Preventing and Handling of Group Behaviors by University Students

  6. 华北地区野生环颈雉集群行为的研究

    Studies on the aggregating behaviour of wild ring-necked pheasant

  7. 大学生集群行为的分析和对策

    Analysis and countermeasures of college students ' group behaviors

  8. 栖息地特征对褐马鸡种群密度和集群行为的影响

    Habitat factors influencing the population density and flock size of brown eared pheasant

  9. 检验了传播因素对网络集群行为的影响。

    Examination of influence of internet communication factors on the cyberspace collective behaviour .

  10. 大学生集群行为的心理分析、控制与引导

    The Psychological Analysis , Control and Guidance for the Cluster Behavior of College Students

  11. 自互联网出现以来,互联网与集群行为产生了新的结合。

    Since its emergence , Internet has made a great impact on collective behavior .

  12. 矮岩羊夏季活动节律、时间分配和集群行为

    Diurnal Behavioral Rhythm , Time Budgets and Group Behavior of Dwarf Blue Sheep in Summer

  13. 河南陕西两地白冠长尾雉的集群行为

    Flocking Behavior of Reeves 's Pheasants ( Syrmaticus reevesii ) at Two Sites in Henan and Shaanxi

  14. 控制集群行为可通过认知矫正、情绪转化、示范效应来完成。

    Group behaviors can be controlled by means of cognition correcting , emotion changing and example setting .

  15. 大学生集群行为发展有四个阶段:酝酿、兴起、爆发、平息。

    The development of these behaviors can be divided into four stages : brewing , rising , bursting and subsiding .

  16. 群体相对剥夺前因及对集群行为的影响&基于汶川地震灾区民众调查的实证研究

    The Antecedents of Group Relative Deprivation and Its Effects on Collective Action & Empirical Research on the People of Wenchuan Earthquake Area

  17. 本文的主要创新点如下:1.检验了事件因素对网络集群行为的影响。

    The study mainly achieved the following innovation points : 1.Examination of influence of internet events factors on the cyberspace collective behaviour .

  18. 本文将从社会心理学的集群行为研究视角出发,划分出一个特定的区域&大学生区域作为对象来加以研究。

    This article is from the social psychology of " group behavior " research perspective , the students as objects to be studied .

  19. 基于集群行为理论阐释球场观众暴力的成因,并介绍了国外球场观众暴力的社会心理模型及其因素分析。

    Cultural Discipline of Collective Behavior Based on the theories of collective behavior , the reasons of spectator violence in sports are explained .

  20. 自上世纪90年代以来,中国的社会转型进入了它的阵痛期;与不断生发的社会矛盾相伴相生的是集群行为的大量涌现。

    Social transformation of China stepped into a difficult period since 1990 ; emergence of collective behavior comes along with a lot of social contradictions .

  21. 人类的集群行为时常是不可预料的,偶尔还有致命危险。但仍有充分理想相信,它是由系列简单原则所支配的。

    THE behaviour of crowds is sometimes unpredictable and occasionally deadly , but there is good reason to believe it is governed by simple rules .

  22. 为此,本研究将上述研究结果整合后,概括出事件因素与网络传播两个维度交互式、矩阵型网络集群行为形成机理。

    Thus , the study generalizes the interactive matrix formation mechanism of cyberspace collective behaviour from two dimensions of internet event and interactive communication . 4 .

  23. 故为及时预防、控制大学生集群行为朝不良方向发展,对此进行科学研究具有十分重要的理念意义和现实意义。

    Therefore , for the timely prevention and controlling the collective behavior and direction toward poor , this concept of scientific research is of great significance and practical significance .

  24. 根据本研究概括的网络集群行为形成机理特征,本研究建立了网络事件与传播形成的矩阵式管理模式。

    According to the IEC interactive matrix formation mechanism of cyberspace collective behaviour , the study proposed a events management - internet communication management matrix model of coping strategy .

  25. 研究结果表明,栖息地结构连接性、微生境结构特征的差异以及人为干扰是褐马鸡种群密度和集群行为差异的主要影响因素。

    The results suggest that habitat connection , microhabitat structure and human disturbance are the key factors influencing local population density and flock size of the brown eared pheasant .

  26. 文章的第二部分首先从集群行为的概念着手,界定了网络集群行为的概念,阐述了网络集群行为的类型和特征。

    The second part begins from the concept of collective behavior to define the concept of network collective behavior , and expounds the types and characteristics of the network collective behavior .

  27. 作者认为网络集群行为是网民对真相和信息的探索,更是平时无法宣泄的情绪,尤其是负面情绪的出口。

    The author thinks cyberspace collective behaviour is the way netizens seeking for truth , and it is usually an exit of cannot expression of emotions , especially negative emotions . 2 .

  28. 大学生集群行为不仅会对校园和社会稳定和谐产生不良影响,会导致常规的学生组织系统功能的丧失,甚至可能演变成为严重的社会问题。

    Group Behaviors on Campus not only adversely affect social stability and harmony , will lead to regular loss of student organization system function and may even give rise to serious social problems .

  29. 球场观众暴力属于一种集群行为,它是社会环境、文化背景、时代根源以及个体的社会心理承受力等一系列因素的综合效应。

    Court audience violence is a group behavior , which is a comprehensive effect of a series of factors such as social environment , cultural background , root of times , and social mental bearing capacity of individuals .

  30. 食物链与食物链算法研究:本文研究了生态系统一些重要现象,特别是生态系统中的食物链现象、动物捕食策略、集群行为与群集智能和动物的领域行为等对人工生命研究的重要启示。

    The paper studies some important phenomena of ecosystem and focusing in analyzing the food chain , the predator search strategy , the swarm behaviors and swarm intelligences , and the animal domain behaviors , which will enlighten on the research of artificial life .