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  • stamp collector
  1. 这一次我们要抓这个集邮者。

    This one time , we 're going to take down this stamp collector .

  2. 我丈夫是个集邮者。

    My husband is a stamp collector .

  3. 你可以先从《集邮者的经典》学起。

    You may begin with the stamp-collector 's bible .

  4. 为了保存邮票,集邮者通常把它们放在塑料盖下。

    To keep stamps , stamp collectors usually put them under plastic covers .

  5. 英国邮票经纪商斯坦利·吉本斯(StanleyGibbons)说,全球6000万集邮者如今至少有三分之一在中国,而且这个数字还在迅速上升。

    At least a third of the world 's 60 million stamp collectors are now in China , and the number is growing rapidly , says Stanley Gibbons , a British stamp dealer .

  6. 这不包括为集邮者包含的邮件。

    It is not included mail prepared for collectors .

  7. 集邮者常和别人交换邮票。

    Stamp collectors often trade stamps with others .

  8. 集邮者将邮票保存在集邮册里。

    They collect their stamps in albums .

  9. 布罗克曼说:收集这些与你是一位集邮者或集车者是同一个道理。

    The collection is just like if youre a stamp collector or a car collector , Brockmann said .

  10. 许多纯粹的集邮者对中国的各宗销售交易,特别是对价格的波动颇为不满。

    Many stamp purists are unhappy about all the sales in China & and especially the volatility in prices .

  11. 此外,诗琳通公主,作为集邮者,将主持此次盛会的开幕式。

    Moreover , Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn , the Stamp-collecting princess , will preside over the official opening ceremony .

  12. 印有冠军头像的邮票将会以每套6张,3.6英镑的价格或单张60便士的价格发售——在集邮者的世界中永垂不朽。

    The champions ' stamps will be available in books of six for 3.60 or individually for 60p - to be immortalised forever among philatelists .

  13. 这个展览会是集邮者都想去的地方.据说下周某个时候即将发行一套新邮票,集邮者正在拭目以待。

    This exhibition is a mecca for stamp collectors . It is said that a new set of stamps will go into circulation someday next week and stamp-collectors are waiting for it .

  14. 如今,这些慷慨号船员的后代大都以农业、渔业以及向集邮者售卖他们稀有的邮票为生。但尽管有现代交通工具,皮特凯恩群岛的居民仍然是世界上被隔离的群体。

    Today , the descendants of those sailors mostly make their living off of farming , fishing , and selling their extremely rare postage stamps to collectors , but even with modern transportation they still remain one of the most isolated communities in the world .