
  • 网络Aryan;The Aryans;Aryan race
  1. 我们告诉你,这就是你们所指的萨斯克奇人(Sasquatch),残余着人类及大猩猩的基因工程突变体,被雅利安人创造,用来担任繁重的劳动。

    We tell you that the beings you refer to as Sasquatch , are remnants of human-gorilla genetic engineered mutants , created for heavy labor , by the Aryans .

  2. 连纳粹占领军也将荷兰人视为同等的雅利安人。

    Even the Nazi occupiers regarded the Dutch as fellow Aryans .

  3. 雅利安人内部阵营越来越想要使用水晶能量以平息对手,但这被ATLARa和“一的法则”之波塞顿人坚定拒绝。雅利安人几度徒劳地企图恐吓波塞顿人,但每次都被平息。

    Factions within Aryan increasingly sought to use crystal energy to quell the adversaries .

  4. Sneha下一个推出的雅利安人是一个相反的苏海尔汗动作片。

    Sneha 's next release Aryan is an action flick opposite Sohail Khan .

  5. 强大的雅利安人代表团以操纵者和媒体为主,他们提出深思熟虑的论据,掩盖自己真实的意图,并承诺相互间协调。

    The powerful Aryan contingent were masters of manipulation and media .

  6. 把所有人都改造成白人和雅利安人。

    It 's all about making everyone look white and aryan .

  7. 他相信这个古代雅利安人的符号带来繁荣和胜利。

    He believed that this ancient Aryan sign brought prosperity and victory .

  8. 抢劫是由雅利安人谁离开后,阿象征每个

    The robbery is done by Aryan who leaves his symbol A after each

  9. 你知道的,那个雅利安人想和我交个朋友。

    You know , the Aryan nation was asking me to hook up .

  10. 他是蓝眼睛金色胡子的雅利安人有一头维达?

    He was a blue-Eyed aryan with a golden beard

  11. 每种宗教都使用本国当地的文献,不管印度雅利安人还是德拉威人。

    Each region adapted the script of the local vernacular , whether Indo-Aryan or Dravidian .

  12. 和其他的电影是“雅利安人”与她合作的明星与苏海尔汗。

    And the other movie is " Aryan " with she co-stars with Sohail Khan .

  13. 但你还是算是个真正的雅利安人。

    But you are an authentic aryan .

  14. 他受到了雅利安人的引诱,向自己的欲望(野心)屈服。

    He had been seduced by the Aryans , and fell victim to his ambitions .

  15. 阿特拉-Ra起初能够推迟其使用,但很快就被(雅利安人)阻拦了。

    The Atla-Ra were able to defer the usage initially , but in time were stymied .

  16. 雅利安人就停止供应粮食和工业制品作为回应,之后,巨大的僵局随之而来。

    The Aryans responded by stopping food supply and manufactured goods . A great impasse ensued .

  17. 它也确实有雅利安人的特点,因为它所有的祖先都很有名,品种都非常纯正。

    He 's a real Aryan as well , as all his ancestors are well-known and very purebred .

  18. 雅利安人几度徒劳地企图恐吓波塞顿人,但每次都被平息。

    Several futile attempts to terrorize the Poseidons were attempted by the Aryans , and each was quelled .

  19. 这就是源自北部森林和平原的雅利安人到来之前的古代世界。

    Such was the ancient world before the coming of the Aryans out of the northern forests and plains .

  20. 这是推测,铁面无私原来分配的任务,例如卑贱,因为他们非雅利安人的起源。

    It is speculated that the Untouchables were originally assigned such lowly tasks because of their non Aryan origins .

  21. 我不相信万物起源于印度,当然我也反驳不了雅利安人入侵理论。

    I do not believe everything originated in India , and I certainly do not refute the Aryan Invasion Theory .

  22. 我们现在接近于五千年周期的雅利安人卡利年代或黑暗年代的尾升。

    We are at the close of the cycle of 5,000 years of the present Aryan Kali Yuga or dark age .

  23. 这些蒙古人的生活方式与他们所替代的原始的雅利安人非常相似。

    The way of living of these Mongols was very like the way of living of the primitive Aryans they had replaced .

  24. 往世书和印度大史诗描述这一时期雅利安人分成不同的部落集团,而且人民中已经有被称为“罗阇”的领导者出现(王)。

    According to some history books and big Indian epics , Aryans were separated into several tribes with Rajah , the Indian chieftain .

  25. 我们告诉你,你所称的第二次世界大战事件就是那个创伤雅利安人的冲突的过度伤痛所致。

    We tell you that the event you call World War ll was an over bleed of that trauma , the Aryan conflict .

  26. 至少对于旧大陆各文化民族说来,对于雅利安人和闪米特人说来,这一点看来已经得到证明了。

    For the civilized peoples of the Old World , for the Aryans and Semites at any rate , this seems to be established .

  27. 他尽管接受了纳粹青年运动的教育,却一点也不比我更相信雅利安人优异那一套。

    Although he 'd been schooled in the Nazi youth movement , he didn 't believe in the Aryan-supremacy business any more than I did .

  28. 希特勒梦想着建立由雅利安人统治的千年帝国,但德国人口出生率的下降和种族衰退已经成为阻碍他建立千年帝国梦的最大障碍。

    Hitler dreamed of establishing a Thousand Year Reich governed by Aryans , but the declining birth rate and race recession were blocks in his way .

  29. 我心想,如果隆格获胜,那势必给纳粹的优等民族(雅利安人优异)论调增加新的佐证。

    I guessed that if Long won , it would add some new support to the Nazis ' " master race " ( Aryansuperiority ) theory .

  30. 雅利安人和波塞顿人的人数是1比3,不敢攻击波塞顿人,以免他们使用水晶力量而关闭全国电源。

    The Aryans , who outnumbered the Poseidon's3 to1 , dared not attack Poseida lest they have the crystalline energy that powered the nation shut off .