
  • 网络Athen Acropolis;Acropolis of Athens;Acropolis, Athens;the Acropolis
  1. 甚至在雅典卫城(Acropolis)中见证了2000多年历史变迁的女像柱(Caryatids)也将被翻修重整。

    Even the Caryatids , statues that have watched the world go by from the Acropolis for more than 2000 years , are getting a face-lift .

  2. 雅典卫城将为我美满的婚姻祝福;

    The old Acropolis will bless for my creditable marriage .

  3. 他表示,想看看自己在GoogleEarth上能用多快的时间找到雅典卫城之类的某处名胜,这是件好玩的事情。

    For fun , he says he 'll see how fast he can manually zoom in to find a monument like the Acropolis in Athens using Google Earth .

  4. 这个露天剧场位于雅典卫城的南边,在每年一度的雅典节(AthensFestival)期间会有不少演出。

    This open-air theater , on the south side of the Acropolis , hosts a number of performances during the annual Athens Festival .

  5. 这些雕塑是埃尔金伯爵(earlofelgin)200多年前从雅典卫城运来的。

    These carvings were taken from the Acropolis in Athens more than 200 years ago by the Earl of Elgin .

  6. 埃菲尔铁塔和雅典卫城也参与了此次竞选。

    The Eiffel Tower and the Acropolis had also been contenders .

  7. 阿迪库斯音乐厅,雅典卫城,雅典,希腊。

    Odeon of Herodes Atticus , The Acropolis , Athens , Greece .

  8. 雅典卫城是古代世界的奇迹之一。

    The Acropolis is one of the wonders of the ancient world .

  9. 哦,要带上你的防晒霜,还有,一定要去雅典卫城!

    Well , bring your sunscreen , and go to the Acropolis !

  10. 红牛斯柯达车队的小赫尔曼·加斯纳则是雅典卫城拉力赛的新手。

    Red Bull Skoda driver Hermann Gassner Jr is an Acropolis Rally novice .

  11. 女像柱,雅典卫城,雅典,希腊。

    Caryatids , The Acropolis , Athens , Greece .

  12. 人们希望雅典卫城将会恢复其昔日的荣耀。

    It is hope that the Acropolis will be back to its former glory .

  13. 表现雅典卫城内部和它的雅典娜雕像。

    Rendering of the inside of the Acropolis and it 's statue of Athena .

  14. 英国人则从雅典卫城拿走了埃尔金大理石雕。

    The British helped themselves to the Elgin Marbles , taken from the Acropolis .

  15. 雅典卫城显示了希腊人对数学的精通以及对几何学的推崇。

    The Acropolis shows a maturity of Greek mathematics and also an appreciation of geometrical ideas .

  16. 雅典卫城博物馆将展示修缮过程,直到2014年底。

    the process will be on view in the Acropolis Museum through the end of the year .

  17. 在帕特农神庙和雅典卫城前开始的自行车赛事将拉开奥运会的大幕。

    The Games will open with cycling events which start in front of the Parthenon and acropolis monuments .

  18. 它也戏谑地暗示:希腊卖出一些小岛和雅典卫城来还债。

    It also mischievously suggested that the Greeks sell some islands and the Acropolis to pay their debt .

  19. 还有几张照片拍的是他在阳台上搂着妻子,以及和妻子一起品尝美酒,他的阳台可以俯瞰雅典卫城。

    There he is embracing his wife and serving wine on the terrace with a view of the Acropolis .

  20. 三台吊车把超过两吨重的壁雕吊了起来,然后缓缓地运往新建的雅典卫城博物馆。

    Three cranes lifted the more than two ton fragment and carried it slowly to the new Acropolis Museum .

  21. 雅典卫城的缩写,是一种民主的象征。

    Ruins are the most obvious sign of ancient Athens , and the most famous of these is the Acropolis .

  22. 先说旧景点:2014年,雅典卫城的女像柱继续修缮;

    First the old : At the Acropolis , the famous Caryatids statues continue to get a restoration in 2014 ;

  23. 雅典卫城在每一处细节上,无论石匠技术、刻艺术,还是绘画装饰,都是前无古人的精美绝伦。

    Every detail of the Acropolis , its masonry , sculptures and painted decorations were to be the finest ever created .

  24. 克林顿和兰姆布里尼迪斯在一个以具有希腊传统风格的建筑雅典卫城和帕台农神庙为背景的仪式上签署了这项协议。

    Clinton and Lambrinidis signed the document in a ceremony featuring two iconic Greek structures the Acropolis and the Parthenon as a backdrop .

  25. 建造雅典卫城的大胆想法和雄图来自一场纷扰的战事,一场决定了希腊命运的战事。

    The boldness and ambition of the Acropolis was funded by the spoils of war , a war that determined the fate of Greece .

  26. 2006年10月9日,雷雨中,雅典卫城的古希腊帕特农神殿上面闪过一道美丽的闪电。

    The ancient Greek Parthenon temple , atop the Acropolis hill overlooking Athens , is framed by a lightning bolt during a thunderstorm on Oct.9,2006 .

  27. 最新的候选名单已缩小至21个,其中包括泰姬陵、巨石阵、雅典卫城以及中国的长城。

    Candidates for the new list have been narrowed down to21 , including the Taj Mahal , Stonehenge , the Acropolis and the Great Wall of China .

  28. 希腊历史起源于3000多年前的史前时期,希腊先民的第一个居住点就建在雅典卫城的巨石上。

    The history of Athens begins more than 3000 years ago when during the prehistoric times its first inhabitants created their first settlement on the rock of the Acropolis .

  29. 在东角,大量的人群驻足观赏由花朵构成的雅典卫城,长城,2008奥运火炬标志,2008奥运标志等等。

    In its east corner , a large crowd stopped to enjoy the flower landscape sculptures of the Acropolis , the Great Wall , the2008 Olympic Torch Relay logo , 2008 Olympic Pictograms , etc.

  30. 希腊的雅典卫城、英国的巨石阵、柬埔寨的吴哥窟、复活节岛巨人像和巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔等几大热门侯选古迹未能入选。

    The top contenders that lost out are the Acropolis in Athens , Greece , the Stonehenge in Britain , Angkor Vat in Cambodia , the statues on Easter Island and the Eiffel Tower in Paris .