
xiónɡ yǐ
  • male ant
  1. 结果发现,雌、雄蚁脑中的GABA和5-HT免疫阳性神经元对称分布于左右脑半球中,其聚集成群,在雄蚁中的数目比雌蚁略少。

    Here we show that in the brain of female and male C. Japonicus , all the GABA and 5-HT immunoreactive neurons are distributed symmetrically on the left and right hemisphere and grouped into clusters .

  2. 但是总的来讲,每一种蚂蚁都有三种主要类型:雌蚁、雄蚁和工蚁。

    But in general each kind has ants of three main types : queens , males , workers .

  3. 雌蚁在一段时间内是有翅膀的,某一天会和一只长着翅膀的雄蚁飞走。

    The queen has wings for a time , and one day she flies away with a winged male .

  4. 而且罪魁祸首正是王室,或者带有所谓「王室」基因的雄蚁。

    And it is the royal family-or male ants carrying a so-called " royal " gene-that are largely to blame .

  5. 这只雄蚁不久以后死去,而这只已没有翅膀的雌蚁则找个好地方做她的新窝,并在那里产卵。

    The male dies soon afterwards , but the queen , without her wings , finds a good place for her new nest and begins to lay eggs there .