
  • 网络TBM;tunnel boring machine
  1. 全断面隧洞掘进机在引黄工程南干线国际Ⅱ、Ⅲ标中的应用

    Application of full-face TBM on the international tender sections II and III of the southern artery in the Yellow River diversion project

  2. 文中介绍了用隧洞掘进机(TBM)在大同塔山矿主平峒掘进施工中采取的安全措施和应该注意的事项。

    This paper introduces the used safety measures and the matters needing attention in construction of tunnel cut by TBM method in Tashan coal mine of Datong City .

  3. 隧洞掘进机(TBM)电气系统维护

    On Maintenance of Electric system of TBM

  4. 隧洞掘进机施工的刀具损耗分析

    Analysis on the wear and tear of the tunnel construction cutter

  5. 长大隧洞掘进机施工洞内运输系统研究

    Study on transportation system of long and large tunnel construction by TBM

  6. 全断面隧洞掘进机配套出渣列车优化调度的研究

    Study to Dispatch Optimization for Muck Removal Train that Matches Full Face Tunneler

  7. 双护盾隧洞掘进机的原理及其应用

    Principles and Application of Double Shield Tunneling Machine

  8. 浅议全断面隧洞掘进机在引水隧洞施工中的应用

    Discussion on application of tunnel boring machine ( TBM ) to construction of water conveyance tunnel

  9. 详细阐述了全断面隧洞掘进机掘进技术要点和质量控制方法。

    This paper expounds in detail the tunneling technical points and quality control methods of TBM .

  10. 本文在研究隧洞掘进机开挖隧洞出碴及材料运输三种典型方案后,对其调度方案进行了设计计算。

    In this paper , three typical scheme design on mucking and transporting system of tunnel boring machine is studied , and the dispatch of the equipment in .

  11. 掘进机按照对于巷道断面的作用方式可划分为两种:全断面掘进机和部分断面掘进机。全断面隧洞掘进机在引黄工程南干线国际Ⅱ、Ⅲ标中的应用

    There are mainly two kinds of roadheader : Tunnelling Boom Machine ( TBM ) and partial-size tunneling machine . Application of full-face TBM on the international tender sections II and III of the southern artery in the Yellow River diversion project

  12. 第一期工程方案的关键技术就是如何开凿深埋长隧洞,掘进机的采用使得这一问题得到解决。

    The key technology of the first stage project is how to dig tunnels and this is to be solved by adopting excavators .

  13. 隧洞工程全段面掘进机施工的豆砾石回填灌浆及质量控制

    Backfill Grouting in Pea Gravel Layer behind Lining of Tunnel Constructed by TBM and Its Quality Control