
yǐn mì
  • secret;hide;conceal;keep back
隐秘 [yǐn mì]
  • (1) [nide;keep back;conceal]∶隐蔽不显露

  • 地道的出口开在隐秘的地方

  • (2) [secret]∶秘密的事情(刺探隐密)

隐秘[yǐn mì]
  1. 他把钱藏在一个隐秘处,以防他侄儿拿到。

    He kept his money stored away in a secret place , for fear his nephew should lay his hands on it .

  2. 一种基于PCA的数字音频信息隐秘传输方法

    A Secret Transmission Method Based on PCA for Digital Audio

  3. 我们家没有隐秘。

    There are no dark secrets in our family .

  4. 一直往下走,最终你会突然看到那条隐秘的瀑布。

    As you descend , suddenly you see at last the hidden waterfall .

  5. 双方都有充分的理由对英国政府的行事隐秘深表感激。

    Both had much cause to be grateful for the secretiveness of government in Britain .

  6. 在他更为隐秘的潜意识深处,有什么事情困扰着他。

    There was something in the darker recesses of his unconscious that was troubling him .

  7. 地道的出口开在隐秘的地方。

    The exit of the tunnel is concealed .

  8. 妈妈买了那个漂亮的篮子,把它放在我找不到的一个隐秘的安全之地。

    My mother bought the beautiful basket and put it safely in some hiding place I couldn 't find .

  9. 他把最隐秘的想法只告诉最好的朋友

    He reveals his innermost feelings only to his best friend .

  10. 新的保险单在编写时没有隐秘条款或秘密条款。

    The new insurance policy is written without cryptic or mysterious terms .

  11. “隐形消费者”指用隐秘的方式购物,以避免炫富或者被伴侣发现的消费者;

    Stealth shopper is a person who shops secretly to avoid flaunting ;

  12. 其实,人们对于内向和隐秘自恋型心理特征的理解有些惊人地相似。

    As it turns out , there are some striking similarities between the popular understanding of introversion and a psychological characteristic called covert narcissism .

  13. iPhone的研发工作隐秘得出名。

    Development of the iPhone was famously secretive .

  14. 奶牛子宫内膜炎化脓隐秘杆菌16SRRNA基因的鉴定与分析

    Identification and analysis of Arcanobacterium pyogenes from bovine endometritis by 16S rRNA gene

  15. 随着Internet的飞速发展和应用,信息安全问题日益突出,引起了各方面越来越多的关注。隐秘通信是信息安全的一个重要方面。

    With the rapid development of Internet , the importance of information security becomes more and more significant , attracting more and more attention . Secret communication is a great part of information security .

  16. 本文重点关注于常用的vi命令,并详细地讨论了vi中一些比较隐秘的特性。

    It focuses on common vi commands , and it goes into detail on some of vi 's more esoteric features .

  17. 施华洛世奇一直是asc的隐秘合伙人,拥有63%的股权。

    Mr Swarovski remains a silent partner in ASC , with 63 per cent of the equity .

  18. 2009年,行事隐秘的振华石油(ZhenHuaOil)等中国石油贸易商开始向伊朗供应燃料,如今已占到该国燃料进口中至多三分之一的比重。

    Chinese oil traders , including the secretive ZhenHua Oil , began supplying fuel to Iran in 2009 and now provide up to a third of its imports .

  19. 科比·迪克(KirbyDick)获奥斯卡提名的《隐秘的战争》(TheInvisibleWar,2012)是关于军队中的性侵问题,最后众议院还就此进行了一次听证会。

    Kirby Dick 's Oscar-nominated " The Invisible War " ( 2012 ) , about sexual assault in the military , led to a House hearing on the matter .

  20. 我们担心Facebook及其同类,原因不在于它们会侵犯我们的隐私,而在于它们是规则制定者——它们可以定义灰色地带的边界,也掌握着那些决定我们以怎样的面目示人的最隐秘的计算方法。

    The reason to fear Facebook and its ilk is not that they violate our privacy . It is that they define the parameters of the grey and mostly invisible technological infrastructure that shapes our identity .

  21. 然而,MBTI测试并不是一个神奇的药丸,它无法为我们铺设一条通往理想职业的隐秘路径。

    Yet MBTI is not a magic pill that offers a secret path to a dream job .

  22. 火狐的Mozilla浏览器希望建立一个系统,使人们在浏览一些网站的时候可以选择脱离那些隐秘地监视他们的公司,因为网路追踪目前是一个很普遍的现象。

    Mozilla wants to build a mechanism which will allow people to opt out of companies secretly monitoring which websites they visit , currently a common practice .

  23. 较之二类分类隐写分析方法,所设计方案具有更好的通用性。(3)设计了一种基于独立成分分析(ICA)模型的隐秘信息估计方案。

    Compared with two-class classifier , the proposed method has the better generality ability . ( 3 ) A novel program based on ICA ( independent component analysis ) was designed to estimate the embedded messages .

  24. 涉及房利美和房地美的CDS确切数额尚不可知,这反映出这一市场的隐秘性,但这些合约是广泛交易的指数的一部分,因此可能数额巨大。

    The exact amount of CDS on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not known , reflecting the private nature of the market , but they are part of widely traded indices and the amounts are likely to be significant .

  25. 正是在那个位于伦敦西部的表演会场,他下定决心,以Metis的艺名开始了一段隐秘的嘻哈艺人生涯。

    It was there in that small west London venue that he decided to pursue a secret life as a hip-hop artist called Metis .

  26. 该协同检测方法减少了传统方法导致的漏报现象,节省了计算资源和存储空间,实现了对僵尸网络发起的隐秘DDoS攻击以及僵尸主机的快速准确检测。

    The collaborative detection method can reduce the false negative rate caused by the traditional methods , save the computing resources and storage space , and realize the fast and accurate detection of subtle DDoS attacks launched by botnet and zombies . 3 .

  27. 最后,在确保BotCODS中TAS高效、可信协同工作的支持下,针对僵尸网络发起的隐秘DDoS攻击,提出了一种面向DDoS的僵尸网络协同检测方法。

    Finally , on the support of the efficient and trust collaborative work of TASs in Bot_CODS , a collaborative botnet detection method against DDoS attack is proposed , which especially focuses on the subtle DDoS attacks launched by botnet .

  28. 多名安全专家表示,此次攻击似乎源自中国,中国搜索引擎百度网站(Baidu.com)的外国访问者的浏览器被隐秘地重定向至Github网站,从而令该网站的流量超过其承受能力。

    Security experts said the attack appeared to have originated in China , with the web browsers of foreign visitors to Baidu.com , the Chinese search engine , stealthily redirected to Github , overwhelming the site with traffic .

  29. 当前主要的研究集中在隐写术和数字水印技术的使用和检测上。1997年RowlandC.H提出可以基于TCP/IP协议构建隐秘信道【11】之后就出现了很多基于网络通讯模型的隐秘信道技术。

    Current major research focus in the using and detecting of steganography and digital watermarking technology . 1997 , Rowland C. H made can build covert channels based on TCP / IP protocol . After that appeared a lot of covert channel communications technology base of network model .

  30. 世界上还有一些至今仍未被人发现的隐秘角落。

    There are still some undiscovered dark corners of the world .