
  1. 照片中,他摆出专业的“官样”,正在阅读文件,胳膊上还戴着“五道杠”队牌,令人咋舌。

    In the picture , he is shown reading some documents , posing like a professional politician and wearing an astonishing " five-bar " armband .

  2. 官样是中国古代官府手工业生产制度的内容之一,也是生产过程官府决定产品类别以及保证产品质量的主要手段。

    ' Official samples '( guanyang ) were an aspect of the ancient Chinese official handicraft production system , and in the production process they were a means by which officials could decide on product types and guarantee product quality .

  3. 今年五月,一个言行举止颇有“官样”的13岁男孩一夜成名。在他身上看不到孩子的天真。网友们对此揪住不放,批评当今的教育体系成就了这样一个孩子。

    This May , a 13-year-old schoolboy who speaks and acts like a government official shot to overnight fame after Internet users latched on to his lack of childlike innocence and criticized the education system for the way he 's turned out .

  4. 因此,本论文结合煤矿实际条件最终确定了CO为主,烯烷比为辅作为西山官地煤样的指标气体。

    Taking into account the actual conditions , the indicator gases were determined by choosing CO as the main indicator gas and defin-alkyl ratio as an supplemented one for coal sample from Guandi mine .

  5. 在你开始讲《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》之前,先弄清楚面试官想听什么样的故事。

    Before you launch into Alice in Wonderland , find out what kind of story the interviewer wants to hear .

  6. 在求职面试中老生常谈的一个问题就是:在面试中该向面试官提什么样的问题。

    One of the most telling things about a job candidate is the type of questions she asks the interviewer .

  7. 现在你知道面试官不想听到样的答案了,下面教你如何轻松拿下问题。

    Now that you know how not to answer the question , here is guidance on how to ace it .