
  • 网络monastery;Abbey;priory
  1. 隐修院和修道院有点相似,但比修道院小,不如它重要。

    A priory is similar to but smaller and less important than an abbey .

  2. 美国弗吉尼亚州谢南多厄山谷里的一座特拉普派隐修院&圣十字架修道院的安德鲁神父说。

    Says Father Andrew of the Holy Cross Abbey , a Trappist monastery in Virginia 's Shenandoah Valley in the United States .

  3. 基督教隐修院生活方式及其制度,不仅为现代科学提供追求真理的信仰前提,而且成为现代学术与大学的母体;

    Christianity 's monastic life-style and system has not only provided the pursuit of truth as a belief-premise for modern science , but has also become mother to universities and modern systems of learning ;

  4. 圣母院后面,北边是峨特式长廊的隐修院,南边是半罗曼式的主教府邸,东边是场地荒芜尖岬。

    Behind Notre-Dame , the cloister and its Gothic galleries spread out towards the north ; on the south , the half-Roman palace of the bishop ; on the east , the desert point of the Terrain .