
suí jī shū rù
  • random input
  1. 在4.2节,对一类带有随机输入时滞的T-S模糊离散系统设计了有记忆控制器。

    In Sec-tion 4.2 , we design a memory controller for T-S fuzzy discrete-time systems with random input delay .

  2. 精确评估LDPC解码器在不同信噪比下的功耗需要在门级仿真大量的随机输入向量,以致耗费大量时间。

    To get the accurate LDPC decoder power analysis , large numbers of random input vectors should be simulated on gate-level , which consumes a lot of time .

  3. RationalPerformanceTester包含一个对表单随机输入数据的特性。

    Rational Performance Tester contains a feature for randomizing input data to a form .

  4. 因此,为了更准确地对真实世界的使用建模,我们还想要使用只有RationalPerformanceTester才有的特性,来将随机输入加入测试软件。

    Therefore , to more accurately model real-world use , we also wanted to use features unique to Rational Performance Tester to move input randomization to the test software .

  5. 根据水库蓄洪量具有Wiener过程特性的分析,推导了带有随机输入项和随机初始条件的调洪演算Ito方程。

    According to the analysis of a Wiener process characteristics of the reservoir storage , an Ito Equation with a stochastic input term and a stochastic initial condition for reservoir flood routing is derived .

  6. 之后,为了实际设计神经网络的需要,我们对含有噪声的HNN和与其对应的一般HNN之间随机输入误差的估计进行了研究。

    For practical design purposes , the stochastic input error estimates for the stochastic HNN with respect to the corresponding deterministic HNN is derived .

  7. 基于多系统联合仿真原理,利用所建立的整车虚拟样机和模糊控制子系统,在ADAMS和MATLAB之间建立联合仿真平台,并进行了随机输入和脉冲输入的整车平顺性研究。

    Based on multi-system co-simulation method , with the established vehicle virtual prototype and fuzzy control subsystem , it also establishes a joint simulation platform between ADAMS and MATLAB , and evaluates the vehicle ride comfort with a random input and pulse input .

  8. 利用Robust-BGP-Syntax应用随机输入和错误注入两种技术实现了TCP/IP协议栈语的法健壮性测试,以及通过精心设计大量有效的测试案例实现了ZebraBGP-4的语法健壮性测试。

    Utilizing the Robust-BGP-Syntax testing tool , applying two sorts of technologies , i.e. , random input testing and faulty injection , it actualizes the syntax robustness testing of TCP / IP , and achieves the syntax robustness of Zebra BGP-4 by elaborating many test cases .

  9. 考虑随机输入信息的浅层地下水系统模型

    A shallow ground water system model based on stochastic input information

  10. 带随机输入估计的自校正α-β跟踪滤波器

    A Self-Tuning α - β Tracking Filter with Stochastic Input Estimation

  11. 具有随机输入信号的系统仿真及其应用

    Simulation of System with Random Input Signals and Its Applications

  12. 随机输入情况下汇流计算方法的探讨

    Investigation on calculation method for flow concentration with stochastic input

  13. 车辆随机输入的动态仿真和试验研究

    Dynamic Simulation and Experiment Study on Random Input of Vehicle

  14. 有随机输入变量的异步时序电路设计方法

    A method for designing asynchronous sequential circuits with random logical input variables

  15. 仿真结果与随机输入行驶试验结果基本吻合,证明仿真方法是正确的。

    The simulation results coincide well with that of random input running test .

  16. 汽车平顺性的试验研究及评价指标的探讨&随机输入法

    The Test and Evaluating Criterion of Automotive Ride & A Random Imput Method

  17. 随机输入与电动机工作方式

    Random Input and the Duty of Electric Motors

  18. 交通流模拟中的随机输入模型

    The Random Input Model for Traffic Flow Simulation

  19. 建立了汽车四轮随机输入的滤波白噪声模型。

    Wave-filted white noise model was established on random inputs of automobile with four wheels .

  20. 首先应用协方差等效方法建立了单轮随机输入非平稳时域模型。

    The covariance equivalence method is used to establish the single-wheel random input unsteady model .

  21. 公路卧铺客车平顺性随机输入行驶试验研究

    A Study on Ride Comfort of A Highway Sleeper Bus by Randon Input Running Text

  22. 具有随机输入的伺服系统的设计

    Design of Servosystem with Random Inputs

  23. 一个随机输入的马尔科夫系统权限定理(Ⅱ)&质点具有随机寿命

    On the Limit Theorems for Markovian System with Random Input (ⅱ) The Particles are With Random Lifetime

  24. 车辆四轮相关时域随机输入通用模型的研究

    Study on General Model of Random Inputs of the Vehicle with Four Wheels Correlated in Time Domain

  25. 车辆非匀速行驶时路面随机输入的时频研究美国人的时间观

    A Study on Road Random Inputs to a Vehicle with Uneven Speed in Time and Frequency Domains

  26. 随机输入采样数据系统

    Random input sampled-data system

  27. 通过计算机仿真模拟了在路面随机输入下驾驶室底板的振动响应;

    A simulation is carried out on the vibration response of truck cab floor to random road inputs .

  28. 该模型对车辆四轮相关频域随机输入模型也有一定的参考作用。

    This model has also a certain reference to the random input model with four wheels correlated in frequency domain .

  29. 在交通流模拟过程中,随机输入车辆信息和交通流信息是模拟的开端。

    The first step of the traffic simulating procedure is collecting the information of random inputting vehicles and traffic flow .

  30. 基于各向同性假设、滤波白噪声方法以及高阶时空微分关系、建立了车辆四轮相关路面平稳和非平稳随机输入模型。

    Chapter six coves the suspension control under the nonstationary random excitation based on the road surface model and gives the significant conclusions .