- 名random priming

The Study on Hybridizing Efficiencies of cDNA Probes Labeled with PCR Priming and Random Priming
The fragments of HBV DNA and HDV cDNA , obtained from two recombinant plasmids , were labelled with digoxigenin by random priming and polymerase chain reaction methods , respectively .
Random primer extension radiolabeled DNA probe and its application
Technological Improvement of Southern Blot Using Digoxigenin-labeled Probes with Random-primed Method
The whole HBV DNA sequences were labelled by random primer incorporation of Digoxigenin - labelled dUTP , and compared with ~ ( 32 ) P-labelled probe by nick translation .
Using DNA probe method and random primer method , the full DNA sequence of Tm-GRP is screened from the cDNA library of Tenebrio molitor .
The results showed that : In dot blot , the hybridizing efficiency of probe labeled with the method of SPCR was the highest in the three methods , and 10 times higher than that of probe labeled with random priming .
METHODS : The expression and distribution of perforin mRNA in the local infiltrated cells were detected by in situ hybridization using a dig labeled perforin cDNA probe in liver biopsy tissues .
Whereas the random oligonucleotide labelling is more suitable for genomic DNA probe and the labelling efficiency could be increased by prolonging the labelling time appropriately .
Results and conclusion : Taq DNA Polymerase labeling method is as efficient as Klenow fragment random primer DNA labeling system .
However , the essential content of law has its own form which is the inner structural character . coli Klenow fragment random primer DNA labeling system served as control .
Degenerate Primers Polymerase Chain Reaction Clone and Identification of the Acetylcholinesterase Gene Fragment from the Mosquito , Aedes albopictus ; Detection of Unknown Virus from 2 Case of Aseptic Meningitis Epidemic Using Random Primer PCR Assay
Detection of Unknown Virus from 2 Case of Aseptic Meningitis Epidemic Using Random Primer PCR Assay