
suí xiǎng qǔ
  • caprice;capriccio
随想曲[suí xiǎng qǔ]
  1. 随想曲富有活力,激情洋溢,把他外向性格的一面展露出来。

    Caprice is rich in vigour , intense emotion is permeated with , come showing his exhibition of extroversion character .

  2. 他的钢琴作品,包括随想曲、幻想曲、变奏曲、前奏曲、练习曲、协奏曲、《无词歌》等。

    His piano works , including Caprice , Fantasy , Variations , Preludes , Etudes , Concertos ,《 Songs without Words 》 and so on .

  3. 施特劳斯用了1941年的大部分时间为自己的最后一部歌剧《随想曲》编写总谱。

    Strauss spent much of 1941 scoring his last opera , Capriccio

  4. 他还为歌剧、著名的交响曲、帕格尼尼随想曲和舒伯特抒情曲谱写钢琴曲。

    He also made many exuberant piano transcriptions of operas , famous symphonies , Paganini Caprices , and Schubert Lieder .

  5. 曾录制15张二胡作品唱片,创作有《洪湖主题随想曲》《音诗&心曲》等二胡作品。

    She has so far had15 records made of her Erhu playing , and also composed such works as Honghu Lake Theme Capriccio and tone poem Music from the Heart .

  6. 他的创作手法细腻、形象丰富、具有戏剧性,这些小品几乎是由随想曲和间奏曲组成的。

    His creation gimmick is exquisite , that the image enriches , has dramaticism , these short , simple literary or artistic creation almost is to be composed of caprice and intermezzo .

  7. 在宏观方面:首先,对三首《随想曲》的创作背景和意图进行概述;其次,简要介绍随想曲体裁的特点;最后,对标题音乐与无标题音乐的特性作简要概述。

    At the macro aspects : First , summarize creative background and intentions of the three " Capriccio "; briefly introduce the characteristics of Capriccio ; and finally , briefly summarize features of the title music and no title music .

  8. 在微观方面:首先,对三首《随想曲》的整体曲式结构进行分析,其次,从和声、曲式、调式调性、旋律织体、节奏节拍几个方面对三首《随想曲》进行详尽深入分析。

    At the micro aspects : First , the paper is in the overall musical form structure analysis , and secondly , analyse the three " Capriccio " in a detailed in-depth from a harmony , musical form , modal tonal , melodic texture , rhythm and beat .