
  • 【电影】Julie
  1. 那天上午晚些时候朱丽给我打来了电话。

    Later that morning Julie buzzed me .

  2. 朱丽总是抱怨她的房子比我的小,其实根本不是这样。

    Julie is always moaning1 about how small her house is compared to mine . It really isn 't.

  3. 我和很多很棒的女人共事过:杰西卡·查斯坦(JessicaChastain)、朱丽、艾伦。

    I 've worked with a lot of really strong women , Jessica Chastain , Julie , Ellen .

  4. 罗斯:没有,我昨晚在朱丽那里。

    Ross : No , I stayed at Julie 's last night .

  5. 性、阶级和狂欢化:《朱丽小姐》的新阐释

    Gender , Class and Carnivalization : A New Approach towards Miss Julie

  6. 罗斯和朱丽计划合养一只猫;

    Ross and Julie plan to get a cat together .

  7. 孙惠柱老师邀请英国戏剧人士观摩《朱丽小姐》排练;

    Friends of theatrical circles from Britain is invited to the rehearsal .

  8. 朱丽的未婚夫是个整洁而又规矩的年轻人。

    Julie 's fiance is a nice clean-cut young man .

  9. 朱丽身上有一种灰暗的气质。

    There is a dark streak that runs through Jolie .

  10. 她的朋友朱丽喜欢拉小提琴。

    Her friend Julie liked to play the violin .

  11. 朱丽:爸爸有点暴躁,不是吗?

    Julie : dad is a little bit touchy , isn 't he ?

  12. 项强令朱丽带钱财和他私奔,朱丽会不会、能不能从命呢?

    Jean orders Julieto take her father 's money and elope with him .

  13. 在见过他的父母之后,朱丽对自己的男朋友有了全面了解。

    After meeting his parents , Julie got the picture about her boyfriend .

  14. 你见过朱丽织毛衣吗?

    Have you seen the way Julie knits ?

  15. 后来朱丽嫁给了比利·鲍伯·桑顿,并用墨水在身上纹刺了他的名字。

    Jolie later married Billy Bob Thornton and wears his name in tattoo ink .

  16. 朱丽在一所混合学校上学。

    Julie studies in a mixed school .

  17. 伯哈奴跑过来向朱丽抱怨说其他的孩子不让他玩。

    Berhanu ran in and complained to Julee that the others wouldn 't let him play .

  18. 但整个晚上她都在为罗斯和朱丽的事伤心,借酒浇愁。

    She spends the whole date obsessing about Ross and Julie , and drinking too much wine .

  19. 朱丽从11岁开始在著名的李·斯特斯伯格戏剧协会接受演员训练。

    Jolie began training as an actress at the prestigious Lee Strasberg Theater Institute at the age of eleven .

  20. 朱丽具有两片最丰满的,的最接近卡通人物的嘴唇,这让她成为男人心中的性感女神。

    With the fullest , most cartoonish pair of lips , Jolie remains a sensual figure to most male audiences .

  21. 鲍勃不肯与其他男孩一起去兜风,因为他在等朱丽的电话。

    Bob wouldn 't go for a ride with other boys because he was looking for a phone call from Julie .

  22. 后来两人对吵,罗斯说太晚了我都已经有朱丽了;并再次离开。

    Later , they argue , and Ross says it 's too late , because he 's with Julie now ; he leaves again .

  23. 在最近一期的采访中,皮特和朱丽也被追问到了结婚的事情,已经“同居”六年的他们至今还没有结婚。

    In a recent interview , Brad said he and Angelina , who have been together six years are considering whether to tie the knot .

  24. 凭着性感诱人的外貌、出色的演技和个人独特的风格,朱丽依靠自己显露她的才华是不成问题的。

    Jolie has no problem standing out on her own , though , with her sultry good looks , considerable acting ability , and personal quirks .

  25. 朱丽有点反常,仿佛精神不振,她坐在他们中间,眼望着车灯照耀下的道路迎着他们冲来。

    Julie seemed subdued , not like herself , as she sat between the two of them , watching the road rush at them in the Buick 's headlights .

  26. 但现在我跟朱丽在一起,就好像我跟芙莉,我跟瑞秋,我跟芙莉,我跟瑞秋…瑞秋?

    But now , I 'm with Julie , so it 's like me and Julie , me and Rachel , me and Julie , me and Rachel . Rachel , Rachel .