
  • 网络precipitation day;P recinitationdav;wet day
  1. 河南降水及最长连续无降水日数时空特征

    The Spacial and Temporal Character of Precipitation and Number of the Longest Continued Non - Precipitation Day in Henan

  2. 分析上海几个代表性区域发现:a.非降水日情况下,陆地站点和海边站点的气温具有显著的日变化特征。

    The temperature of land stations and sea stations has significant day-change characters without precipitation .

  3. 中国极端强降水日数与ENSO的关系

    Relationship Between ENSO and Frequency of Extreme Precipitation Days in China

  4. 西北地区东部夏季降水日数的变化趋势及其气候特征

    Climate characteristics of summer precipitation days in eastern part of northwest

  5. 西北地区东部秋季降水日数时空特征分析

    Temporal-Spatial Characteristics of Autumn Precipitation Days in Eastern Northwest China

  6. 强降水日数的多、少与该年代降水量偏多、偏少的趋势相一致。

    The days of heavy rain were in accordance with the amount of precipitation .

  7. 甘肃不同强度降水日数变化对干旱灾害的影响

    Impact of the variation of different intensity precipitation days on arid disaster in Gansu Province

  8. 降水日数的空间异常主要表现为一致性异常和南北相反异常两种类型。

    There are two types of spatial abnormity distribution : consistent abnormity and north-south reverse abnormity .

  9. 温室效应会使该地区的日平均最高和最低气温升高,降水日数增多。

    Greenhouse effects will make the daily highest and lowest temperature up and days with precipitation much .

  10. 极端降水日数呈减少趋势,特别是京津冀中部地区减少显著;

    Extremely heavy precipitation days showed a declining trend , especially in the central part of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area .

  11. 降水日数的趋势变化呈较为明显的减少趋势,递减率为2.7d/10a;

    And the daily numbers of precipitation has obviously decreased trend , successive decrease rate is 2.7 d / 10a ;

  12. 环境因子中,开花到果实成熟期的降水日数、相对湿度和平均日较差是影响枸杞品质的主要气象因子;

    There , precipitation days , mean air humidity and mean diurnal range of air temperature were the main weather factors .

  13. 中国东南部冬季连降水日天气与低纬度及南半球高层环流的关系

    On relations between synoptic situation of successive winter precipitating days in South - Eastern China and upper circulation of Southern Hemisphere

  14. 1975年以来,北京地区共出现了357个区域强降水日,平均每年有11.9个区域强降水日。

    Since 1975 , there are 357 regional strong rainfall days in Beijing area . , and 11.9 days in each year .

  15. 同时拟合结果表明降水日气溶胶浓度的改变量与其前一日气溶胶浓度值存在较好的相关特性。

    The variation of aerosol particles concentration in rainy day had apparent relation to the aerosols concentration a day before the rainy day .

  16. 近47年湖北省四季及年降水日数的年际变化均呈现出了4年左右的变化周期。

    In recent 47 years , the seasonal and annual number of precipitation days in Hubei Province reflected the cyclical variation during four years .

  17. 出苗至成熟期为降水日数。影响产量的关键气象因子为始花至成熟期的温度日较差、平均相对湿度和降水量。

    The key meterological factors affect the yield are day and night temperature difference , mean relative humidity , and precipitation from early flowering to maturity .

  18. 各气候区代表站降水日数年代际变化均呈现下降趋势,1978年前后是秋季降水日数由多变少的转折点。

    The inter-annual changes of the number of precipitation days at representative stations show a decreasing trend , and the year of 1978 is the turning point .

  19. 结果表明,近40多年来,长江三峡库区年及秋季降水日数以及春、秋季降水量都存在减少趋势。

    The results show that decreasing trends can be detected in annual rain days in the Three Gorges Area , as well as rain days in autumn .

  20. 各种类型降水日数趋势变化最明显的是小雨日数,四季的小雨趋势以减少为主。

    The trend of the sprinkle frequency is the most obvious change in all kinds of precipitation events , and declining is the main trend throughout most parts of China .

  21. 影响枸杞灰分含量的环境因子主要有果实形成期平均相对湿度、日较差和开花到成熟期降水日数、土壤全钾含量等。

    Those environmental factors include mean relative air humidity and diurnal range of mean air temperature from fruit developing stage of medlar , precipitation days during flowering to autumn , and total K in soil .

  22. 我国东部地区夏季不同等级降水日数年际变化特征分析数值预报产品在三峡坝区初夏强降水预报中的释用

    Characteristics of the interannual variations of summer precipitation days with different class intervals over Eastern China Interpretation and Utilization of Numerical Prediction Products in Heavy Rainfall Prediction of the Three Gorges Dam Area in Early Summer

  23. 结果表明西北地区东部夏季多年平均降水日数的地区分布特点是西部多、东部少,沿祁连山山脉存在一个降水日数较多中心区域,并且降水量和降水日数均呈增多趋势。

    The results showed that the summer precipitation days is more in the west regions than the east regions , and a precipitation center lies along Qilian mountain , where the days and amount of precipitation are higher .

  24. 亚洲季风区云和降水的日变化特征分析

    Diurnal Characteristics of Cloudiness and Precipitation over the Asia Monsoon Region

  25. 通过对昌吉市1982~2002年20年大降水天气日数的统计分析,得出了大降水天气日数的年、月变化特征。

    Based on the statistical analysis of heavy precipitation days during from 1982 to 2002 , its features of the daily and yearly change were given .

  26. 地基GPS遥感的成都地区夏季可降水量的日循环合成分析

    Composite study of diurnal cycle of precipitable water vapor derived from ground-based GPS in Chengdu Plain during the warm season

  27. 这提示我们在预防RA的发病时,应将其重点放在温季,并根据降水量、日平均气温、平均风速等气象要素进行调整。

    These prompt us when we are taking precautions against the RA morbidity ; we should focus on temperature and season , and according to precipitation , daily average temperature , average wind speed and other meteorological elements to prevent from disease .

  28. 利用1951&1990年14站的年平均气温、降水和大风日数资料,对近40a来河西地区气候特征作了初步分析。

    Based on the data of yearly mean air temperature , precipitation and strong wind days from 14 stations in 1951-1990 , the climate change and its characteristics in Hexi Area of China in recent 40 years have been analyzed and studied preliminarily .

  29. 利用均生函数预测焦作夏季降水及高温日数

    Using Mean Generating Function Forecast Summer Rainfall and High Temperature Days in Jiaozuo

  30. 类风湿性关节炎的发病或病情加重可能与降水量、日平均气温、平均风速有关。

    Increase of the number of RA patients may be related to precipitation , daily average temperature or average wind speed .