
  • 网络Mianning county
  1. 冕宁县建筑物震害概率预测

    Probabilistic prediction of earthquake damage to buildings in Mianning County

  2. 四川省冕宁县牦牛坪稀土尾矿区植物修复研究

    Study on Phytoremediation to Rare-earth Tailings Area in Mianning of Sichuan Province

  3. 冕宁县带状雹云特征的初步探讨

    Primary study of the characteristics of band shaped hail storm in Mianning County

  4. 四川省冕宁县安宁河流域泥石流

    Debris flow in the Anning River Basin of Mianning county , Sichuan Province

  5. 6月26日,冕宁县遭遇特大暴雨。

    Torrential rains hit the county on June 26 .

  6. 冕宁县健康教育与重点疾病防治成效分析

    Analysis on Effect of Health Education Program in Prevention and Control of Priority Diseases

  7. 冕宁县麻风病防治与综合卫生服务相结合试点分析

    Integrating Leprosy Service Into General Health Service : A Pilot Study in Mianning County , Sichuan Province

  8. 冕宁县的土地沙漠化

    Land Desertification in Mianning County

  9. 1990&2002年四川省冕宁县克山病病情分析

    To analyze the state of the Keshan disease in Mianning County , Sichuan province between 1990 and 2001

  10. 通过冕宁县土地沙漠化现状调查及分析,提出主要防治对策;

    Counter-measures of control desertification were offered from according investigation and analysis of land desertification in Mianning county .

  11. 冕宁县近十年水稻引种筛选及推广概述

    Popularization A General Review of the Introduction Selection and Popularization of Rice Varieties in the Past Ten Years in Mianning County

  12. 上月底,四川省冕宁县发生特大暴雨,目前遇难人数已上升至14人。

    The number of people killed in a heavy rainstorm late last month has risen to 14 in Mianning county , Sichuan province .

  13. 现在我有四条腿和一条非常短的尾巴。四川省冕宁县牦牛坪稀土尾矿区植物修复研究

    And now I have four legs and a very short tail . Study on Phytoremediation to Rare-earth Tailings Area in Mianning of Sichuan Province

  14. 凉山州冕宁县中小学教师专业化发展的现状调查、问题分析及对策思考

    Teacher Professionalization Development of Middle and Primary Schools of Mianning County of Liangshan State One Current Situation Investigation 、 Case Study and Countermeasure Think

  15. 在3县中,石棉县的栖息地面积最大,占小相岭大熊猫栖息地的54.48%,冕宁县大熊猫栖息地占小相岭山系的41.12%,九龙县最少,仅占4.40%。

    Habitats of the giant panda in Shimian are the largest with 54.48 % of total area and that of Jiulong County the smallest with 4.40 % .

  16. 冶勒水电站工程位于四川省凉山州冕宁县和雅安市石棉县境内,为南桠河流域梯级规划“一库六级”的第六级龙头水库电站。

    Yele Hydroeletric Project , With the leading reservior station of Nanya river cascade development , is located on Nanya River in Mianning county and Shimian county of Sichun Province .

  17. 方法采用个案调查方式对1962-1983年期间四川省冕宁、西昌县确诊的小儿克山病至今仍存活者进行问卷调查和心脏查体。

    Methods A case study was performed in Keshan patients diagnosed in1962 to1983 in Mianning and Xichang counties by questionnaire and heart examination .