
  1. 陆在易在声乐作品的创作上硕果累累,他的艺术歌曲更是精益求精,创作手法多样,他注意我国的民族语言、民族气质和民族感情的表达方式,音乐与诗词融为一体,堪称音画合一。

    He pays attention to the use of national language , national character , and national emotion .

  2. 陆在易艺术歌曲《我爱这土地》艺术特征浅析

    An Analysis on the Artistic Characteristics of Lu Zai-yi 's Art Song " I Love This Land "

  3. 音乐抒情诗《中国,我可爱的母亲》是陆在易先生在二十世纪末最有影响力的精品力作。

    In the late 20th century , music lyric & 《 China , my lovely mother 》 is the most influential work .

  4. 陆在易是中国当代乐坛以声乐创作享誉中外的作曲家,被专家评价为“胸怀大爱的音乐诗人”。

    Luzaiyi is a composer of creating with vocal music in china contemporary music field who has great prestige in land and overseas .

  5. 陆在易曾经三次获得中国音乐最高级别的大奖一金钟奖,三度折桂在全中国也只有他一人。

    Mr. Lu is the person in China who has been crowned the highest-level prize of Chinese music & Golden Bell Award for three times .

  6. 第二章陆在易艺术歌曲的音乐分析与创作特色。(歌词的选择,旋律的特色,钢琴伴奏分析。)

    The second chapter goes into the music analysis and creation character of them , ( selection of lyric , character of cantus , accompaniment of piano ) .