
  • 网络Afrikaner;Afrikaans;Africaner
  1. 我们曾经生活在荷兰,所以要跟这些阿非利卡人说荷兰语,他们则跟我们说阿非利卡语(Afrikaans,在南非使用的荷兰语)。

    We lived in the Netherlands , so we spoke Dutch to the Afrikaners , and they spoke Afrikaans back .

  2. 政府为生活困难的阿非利卡人提供了邮差、接待员等公务员职位。

    Struggling Afrikaners were given government jobs as postmen or receptionists .

  3. 1994年,阿非利卡人将权力移交给纳尔逊•曼德拉(NelsonMandela),然后马上就变得无足轻重了。

    In 1994 they handed power to Nelson Mandela and instantly became irrelevant .

  4. 大巴上其他所有乘客都是阿非利卡人(Afrikaner):这些人都是大块头的白种人,穿着短裤,看上去很健康。

    All the other people in the bus were Afrikaners : big healthy white families in shorts .

  5. 甚至在斯坦陵布什大学(StellenboschUniversity,阿非利卡人的牛津大学(Oxford)),如今也只有大约10%的课程使用阿非利卡语授课。

    Scarcely used in administration , Afrikaans just isn 't much use anymore . Even at Stellenbosch University , the Afrikaner Oxford , only about 10 per cent of lectures are now in Afrikaans .

  6. 他是一位诺贝尔奖得主,但也是一个流亡者和一个阿非利卡人(Afrikaner),他的作品描绘了新南非的黯淡景象。

    He is a Nobel Prize-winner ; but he is also an exile and an Afrikaner , whose work presents a bleak portrait of the new South Africa .

  7. 他通过一本优秀的纪实类图书给出了答案。这本书即将上市,荷兰语版的书名为《阿非利卡人》(Afrikaners),阿非利卡语版的书名为《迷失》(阿非利卡语原文为Rigtingbedonnerd,意为失去方向)。

    His answer - a wonderful book of deep reportage - is about to appear as Afrikaners in Dutch , and Rigtingbedonnerd ( " Directionless , " roughly ) in Afrikaans .

  8. 许多阿非利卡人经商,与政府关系很好。

    Many Afrikaners run businesses , and get on well with government .

  9. 许多阿非利卡人正在努力寻找一个洗脱了种族隔离制污点的新身份。

    Many Afrikaners are struggling to find a new identity untarnished by apartheid .

  10. 如今,这些阿非利卡人中,生活水平从第一世界一下子跌至第三世界的不在少数。

    Now many of these people have plummeted from first to third world .

  11. 年轻一代的阿非利卡人中,很少有人与其他肤色的人住在一起。

    Few young members of the tribe have shacked up with other colours .

  12. 如今,这300万阿非利卡人几乎已被遗忘。

    Today the three million Afrikaners are mostly forgotten .

  13. 不遵守这种行为方式的人在当时被视为阿非利卡人中的叛徒。

    Renegades were treated as traitors to the tribe .

  14. 德弗里斯写道,就连那些过得不错的阿非利卡人也深切地感受到了一种失落感。

    Even thriving Afrikaners feel an overwhelming sense of loss , writes de Vries .

  15. 30年前我们在大巴上遇到的那些阿非利卡人,一定没有想过这种情形。

    Those families on the bus 30 years ago couldn 't have imagined that .

  16. 移居海外的阿非利卡人,大多是受教育程度较高的。

    It was largely the better-educated who emigrated .

  17. 在种族隔离制下,身为阿非利卡人,只有一种行为方式是被认可的。

    Under apartheid , there was only one accepted way to be an Afrikaner .

  18. 如今,留在南非的阿非利卡人中,或许有五分之一的家庭,月收入不到300欧元。

    Perhaps a fifth of them now have family incomes below EU300 a month .

  19. 德弗里斯写道:大多数阿非利卡人的经济状况都比1994年之前更好了。

    Economically , most Afrikaners are better off than before 1994 , writes de Vries .

  20. 在德弗里斯看来,大多数阿非利卡人认为,并没有“彩虹国度”这回事。

    According to de Vries , few Afrikaners believe in the " rainbow nation " .

  21. 阿非利卡人的田园生活,村广场和小教堂,全都一去不复返了。

    The Afrikaner rural idyll with its village square and little church has gone forever .

  22. 阿非利卡人和黑人经济结构的趋同与南非土地问题的形成

    Afrikaner and Their Convergence with the Black Economic Structure on Land Problems in South Africa

  23. 阿非利卡人仍然与其他族群保持着距离,这其中甚至包括大部分说阿非利卡语的非白种人。

    Afrikaners still remain distinct even from the majority of Afrikaans-speakers who are not white .

  24. 与此同时,留在南非的许多阿非利卡人则陷入了贫困。

    Meanwhile , many Afrikaners who stayed in South Africa have sunk into an African poverty .

  25. 作为个体,阿非利卡人或许能在南非生活得不错,但整个民族的情况或许不那么妙。

    Afrikaners can flourish as individuals in South Africa , but perhaps not as a tribe .

  26. 不过,阿非利卡人在新环境里适应得不错。

    But Afrikaners adapt well .

  27. 在南非,德弗里斯见到了在交通灯前乞讨的阿非利卡人,无家可归、住在棚户区的阿非利卡人。

    De Vries found Afrikaners begging at traffic lights , and living as vagabonds in squatter camps .

  28. 尽管人们担心的黑人的复仇活动始终没有到来,但阿非利卡人的固有生活方式正在土崩瓦解。

    Although the feared apocalypse by vengeful blacks never came , the tribe 's institutions are dissolving .

  29. 在种族隔离时期,阿非利卡人虽然在南非扮演着统治者角色,但在南非之外的地方却是遭人唾弃。

    In those days of apartheid , Afrikaners were rulers of South Africa and pariahs everywhere else .

  30. 德弗里斯似乎未能见到的一种景象是:许多阿非利卡人正在融入南非的彩虹国度。

    What he doesn 't seem to have found is many Afrikaners merging into South Africa 's Rainbow Nation .