
  • 网络the Ainu;Ainus;Buraku
  1. 北海道的阿伊努人是史前某个种族的最后残存者。

    The Ainu settlers in Hokkaido are the last remnant of a prehistoric race .

  2. 论日本北方少数民族阿伊努人的语言文化与宗教信仰

    Researches into the Language , Culture , and Religious Beliefs of the Northern Ethnic Minority Ainu in Japan

  3. 阿伊努人,土著人的日本,传统穿著纹面。

    The , the indigenous people of Japan , traditionally wore facial tattoos .

  4. 阿伊努人是日本最初的居民,以前曾经是一个受压迫的少数民族。

    Being the earliest inhabitants of Japan , the Aino people were once much oppressed ones .

  5. 土著民族的国际主体地位和知识产权&从日本阿伊努人的土著权问题切入

    Autonomy Under International Law and Intellectual Property Rights of Indigenous Peoples : With Reference to the Ainu Problem in Japan

  6. 阿伊努人是北日本大部分地区的原住民,在库页岛和堪察加半岛也定居着与他们有关系的部落。

    The Ainu were the originalinhabitants of much of northern Japan , while related groups had long settledSakhalin and Kamchatka .

  7. 阿伊努人有自己的节日和祭祀活动,最有名的是“熊祭”。

    Aino people had their own festivals and worships of which the " bear worship " was one of the most influential ones .

  8. 当然,靠近麦克唐纳的当地居民并不是日本人,而是多毛的阿伊努人&女人则在上唇纹身。

    And indeed , the locals who approached MacDonald were notJapanese at all , but rather the supremely hairy Ainu , whose women tattooedtheir upper lip .

  9. 本文运用对比研究和历史研究的方法,论述了阿伊努人的语言文化及宗教信仰等的基本特征和独到之处。

    Employing the comparative and historical approaches , this article elaborates upon the fundamental characteristics and specific features of the language , culture and religious beliefs of Ainus .