
  • 网络Arab Empire;caliphate
  1. 到农业革命完成的时候,阿拉伯帝国不管是乡村还是城市地区都和先前完全不同了。

    By the time it was accomplished , the agricultural revolution left the Arab Caliphate , in both its rural and its urban areas , very different from before .

  2. 论阿拉伯帝国时期图书馆的发展演变及其历史作用

    Library Development and Its Historical Role in the Arab Empire

  3. 唐朝与阿拉伯帝国海路贸易的发展及其原因探析

    Development and Reason Analysis of Sea Route Trade between Tang Dynasty and Arab

  4. 阿拉伯帝国征服中亚

    Conquest of Centra Asia by Arab Empire

  5. 阿拉伯帝国曾经的荣光给了阿拉伯人民一段美好的记忆,但土耳其人的统治让他们在这个世界上沉寂了很长时间。

    Once the glory of the Arab Empire gave a wonderful memory of the Arab people , the Turks made them quiet for a long time in this world .

  6. 论怛罗斯战役涉及阿拉伯与唐帝国关系的几个问题

    A Few Questions about the Relation between Arab Empire and Tang Dynasty Concerned in Talas Campaign

  7. 国际声援非洲和阿拉伯人民对帝国主义和反动派进行斗争会议的国家筹备委员会

    National Preparatory Committee of the International Solidarity Conference with the Struggle of the African and Arab people against Imperialism and Reaction