
Tánɡ cháo
  • Tang dynasty
  1. 唐朝是中国古诗的极盛时期。

    The Tang Dynasty was the golden age of classical Chinese poetry .

  2. 中国的《唐本草》是世界上最早的一部国家药典。编成于唐朝唐高宗显庆4年(公元659年)。

    “ The Tang Ben Cao ”, completed in the fourth year of the reign of Emperor Gaozong ( Xian Qing ) of the Tang Dynasty ( 618 A.D. - 907 A.D. ), was the earliest book on medicine in the world .

  3. 唐朝时期,人们就在昌南建造窑坊(kiln),烧制出一种青白瓷(bluishwhiteporcelain1)。

    In the Tang Dynasty , people started to build kilns2 to make bluish white porcelain in Changnan .

  4. 李白是中国唐朝的一位伟大诗人。

    Li Bai was a great poet in the Tang Dynasty of China .

  5. 唐朝始于618年,终于907年,是中国历史上最灿烂的时期。

    The Tang dynasty , which began in 618 and ended in 907 , is generally regarded as the most prosperous period in Chinese history .

  6. 《唐宫夜宴》到底牛在哪?为体现丰腴的唐俑形象,演员们穿着塞海绵的连体衣,嘴里含着棉花登台演出,而月牙形的妆容和仿唐三彩陶器的服装,让观众仿佛穿越回1300多年前的唐朝。

    Fourteen dancers wearing jumpsuits filled with sponge and with special cotton in their mouths recreate the plump figures of Tang Dynasty females . Besides , crescent-shaped makeup make audiences feel like travelling to the Tang Dynasty 1300 years ago .

  7. 节目中,参加夜宴的唐朝少女们“圆润讨喜”,她们时而梳妆打扮、时而嬉笑打闹,如同在古画中穿梭行走,将大唐盛世的繁华景象展现得淋漓尽致。

    The program presents a banquet at which plump and lovable girls in the Tang Dynasty ( 618-907 ) sometimes dress themselves up and sometimes play together . Many say it is pretty much like walking in an ancient painting scroll and vivid way .

  8. 苏州唐朝广告设计工作室是一家专业从事画册设计印刷、CI企划及展览设计搭建的苏州广告设计公司。

    Suzhou Tang advertising design studio is a professional album design printing , CI planning and exhibition design of structures in Suzhou advertising design company .

  9. 文成公主读过许多书,很有才华。她入吐蕃时带去了许多医药、生产技术书籍(ji)和谷物、蔬菜的种子,还有唐朝精制的手工艺品。

    Princess Wencheng took with her to Tubo medicines , books on science and technology , grain and vegetable seeds , and exquisite handicrafts of the Tang Dynasty .

  10. 此后的回纥可汗都保持了与唐朝的友好关系。

    Uighur Khan stayed friendly relationship with Tang dynasty since then .

  11. 唐朝女冠诗研究

    The Study of the Taoist Nuns ' Poems in Tang Dynasty

  12. 唐朝后期(801-850A.D.)

    The later stage of the Tang dynasty ( 801-850 A.D. )

  13. 唐朝建立以后,国家日趋繁荣。

    The country flourished after tang dynasty has been set up .

  14. 唐诗在唐朝的传播方式

    The Mode of Dissemination for Tang Poetry in The Tang Dynasty

  15. 《太平广记》是唐宋时期一部重要小说史料,它为我们提供丰富详实的唐朝社会史资料。

    Is a important story of history in the Tang-Song period .

  16. 新罗北界与唐朝辽东

    The North Border of Silla and Liaodong Region in the Tang Dynasty

  17. 唐朝是中国古典诗歌的鼎盛时期。

    Tang Dynasty is the heyday of classical Chinese poetry .

  18. 在隋朝和唐朝期间(581~907A.D.)

    During Sui and Tang dynasties ( 581 ~ 907A . D. )

  19. 回纥与唐朝关系述论

    On the Relationship between the Uigur and the Tang Dynasty

  20. 唐朝是文学和艺术的黄金时期。

    The Tang period was the golden age of literature and art .

  21. 唐朝民间民族通婚在《太平广记》中的反映

    Civil Ethnic Marriage in Tang Dynasty Reflected in Tai Ping Guang Ji

  22. 这是一个唐朝具有代表性的乐舞。

    It 's a signature music and dance of the Tang era .

  23. 试论唐朝对新罗佛教及其文化的影响

    Tang 's Buddhism : Its Influence upon Silla 's Buddhism and Culture

  24. 唐装中国人自豪的唐朝。

    Tang clothes chinese people are proud of Tang Dynasty .

  25. 如新罗一样,渤海国是中国唐朝的属国。

    Like Silla , Parhae was a tributary state of Tang-dynasty China .

  26. 在人物雕刻艺术上,唐朝和宋朝是具有不同风格的。

    Figure engraving art in Tang and Song Dynasties showed different styles .

  27. 论唐朝后期的宦官专权

    The Eunuch 's Monopoly Of Power in Late Tang Dynasty

  28. 从唐朝的盛衰谈梅花与牡丹

    On Mei Flower and Peony from the Rise and Fall of Tang Dynasty

  29. 柳芳是唐朝中期著名的史学家,出身名门,属河东柳氏。

    Liu Fang is the famous historian in the middle of Tang dynasty .

  30. 唐朝与阿拉伯帝国海路贸易的发展及其原因探析

    Development and Reason Analysis of Sea Route Trade between Tang Dynasty and Arab