
  1. 阿2005年统计局的报告说,在过去一年,36年出生在英格兰的所有和威尔士百分之并非“英国白人。”

    A2005 ONS report said that in the previous year , 36 percent of all births in England and Wales were not " white British . "

  2. 神阿,自我年幼时,你就教训我。直到如今,我传扬你奇妙的作为。

    O god , you have been my teacher from the time when I was young ; and I have been talking of your works of wonder even till now .

  3. 后期拉比,阿哈伦,1550年至今。分类法后。

    The Acharonim ( literally the " lasts ") are the rabbis of1550 to the present .

  4. 实际上,阿提拉在434年才称王,而这段文字似乎所指的沙隆战役更是发生在那之后第17年。

    In fact , Attila did not become king until 434 , and the battle of the catalaunian fields , to which this seems to refer , took place 17 years later .