
  • 网络Afghanistan
  1. 阿富法官员对巴基斯坦计划在两国边界布雷设障的作法也表示反对。

    Afghan officials also oppose the Pakistani plan to mine and fence their share borders .

  2. 阿富汗东部基地发生协作性自杀式袭击,造成九名塔利班组织成员,五名阿富法军人及居民死亡。

    Nine Taliban and five Afghan troops and civilians are dead after a coordinated suicide attack on an eastern Afghan base .

  3. 哈格力一定是忘了告诉他一些一定要做的事,比如说,要敲敲左边第三块砖才能进人戴阿富道。

    Hagrid must have forgotten to tell him something you had to do , like tapping the third brick on the left to get into Diagon Alley .