
sī háo bù shuǎng
  • perfectly matching
丝毫不爽[sī háo bù shuǎng]
  1. 过去四年,格雷的预测几乎丝毫不爽。

    For the past for years . Gray 's forecasts have been nearly on the nose .

  2. 因为在舞台上生动的形象,各自划出律动的线条,在我们眼前简化为一条曲线这么清楚,所以这些线条的交错,甚至在丝毫不爽配合舞步的和声变化上,也可以听出来。

    In the independently moving lines of the melody all the living figures of the scene simplify themselves before us to the distinctness of curved lines , and the harmonies of these lines sympathize in a most delicate manner with the events on the stage .