
yīn tiān
  • cloudy day;overcast;overcast sky;heavy weather
阴天 [yīn tiān]
  • (1) [heavy weather;overcast sky]∶布满云的天空

  • (2) [cloudy day]∶天空布满云的日子

阴天[yīn tiān]
  1. 碧空、昙天、阴天中,可见光与近红外通道的反射率,均是以阴天为最大;

    Among clear air , cloudy sky and overcast sky , the maximum of reflective ratio within visible and near infrared tunnels appears in overcast sky .

  2. 反射率小,晴天平均为0.040.05,阴天为0.060.08;

    The reflective radiation and the albedo are smaller , the albedo is 0.04 0.05 in the clear sky , and 0.6 0.8 in the overcast sky ;

  3. 那一日阴天下雨沉闷无聊。

    It was a wet and gloomy day .

  4. 连续3天都是阴天。

    For three days it was overcast

  5. 明天是阴天。

    Tomorrow will be overcast .

  6. 昨天是阴天。

    It was cloudy yesterday .

  7. “我们看得到蓝色的天空,但谷底却比天色暗得多——就像是阴天一样。”

    " We see the sky is blue , but down in the valley it 's darker — it 's like on a cloudy day . "

  8. 在阴天或晚上,用太阳钟或日晷是无法分辨时间的。

    On cloudy days or at night it was impossible to tell the time with a sun clock or a sundial .

  9. 自动,日光,阴天,白炽灯,荧光灯,荧光灯H,用户自定义。

    Auto , Daylight , Cloudy , Tungsten , Fluorescent , Fluorescent H , or Custom White Balance .

  10. 晴天的Pn明显高于阴天。

    The Pn in the sunny day was markedly higher than that of in the cloudy day .

  11. 晴天日和阴天日PAR的变化有明显的区别;

    There are distinctly differences between the PAR ′ s variations on the clear and cloudy days .

  12. 阴天天气条件下,4个柑橘品种的Pn日变化规律模式均为单峰曲线,最大值出现在上午11∶00。

    In overcast day , all citrus presented one peak curve in diurnal variation of Pn and the maximum value occurred at 11 : 00 .

  13. 用自制的纳米ZnO在室外阴天、太阳光照射、室内紫外灯照射等条件下对不同有机染料的降解性能作了系统的研究。

    Degradation characteristics of different organic dyes were studied systematically in the presence of nano zinc oxide under various conditions including cloudy sky outside , sunshining and ultraviolet lighting indoor .

  14. 分析了不同月份典型天气(晴天和阴天)条件下不同冠层部位的光合有效辐射(PAR)的分布情况。

    Analyzed photosynthetically active radiation ( PAR ) distribution of different crown layers parts on different months classic weather conditions ( Cloudy Or Sunny ) .

  15. 阴天Pn日均值是棚外的2.60。倍,持续时间比棚外长6h。

    In the overcast , the inside Pn was 2 . 6 times higher and lasted 6 hours longer than the outside Pn respectively .

  16. 储存的能量能够保障Hydra在夜晚和阴天的时候照常运转。

    That energy in return keeps the system running at night and on cloudy days .

  17. 采用大流量采样器,2003年春季(4月18日阴天,5月6日晴天)对成都市东郊大气颗粒物进行了研究,测定颗粒物浓度和Pb、Cd、Hg、As浓度。

    The study is focused on atmosphere particles in eastern suburb of Chengdu in Spring 2003 ( cloudy , April 18 ; Sunny , May 6 ), adopting collecting sample appliance of large flow .

  18. 博物馆的设计师克里斯蒂安·德·波特赞姆巴克(ChristiandePortzamparc)介绍说,博物馆为有些单调的天际增添了一抹亮色,它在傍晚和阴天时尤为迷人。

    The museum , a fine addition to a somewhat drab skyline , is best seen at nightfall or under grey skies , says its architect , Christian de Portzamparc .

  19. 而阴天,叶温、环境CO2浓度是第一主成分。晴天,生理因子日变化中叶温、蒸腾速率是第一主成分;

    On the other hand , in the diurnal changes , the first principal components were light and temperature under the fine and cloudy days , the leaf temperature and surrounding CO2 concentration under the overcast days , and the leaf temperature and transpiration rate in physiological factors .

  20. 22∶00后树干内不再产生液流。阴天树干液流流速相对平稳,流速的峰值出现时间比晴天推迟约1.5h。

    In the cloudy day , the velocity of sap flow was relatively stable and the peak value appeared 1.5 hours later than that in the sunny day .

  21. 结果表明:(1)冬小麦返青前后的土壤呼吸速率(SRR)在晴或多云天气条件下都要高于阴天,SRR的日变化都表现为单峰变化趋势。

    The main results were as follows : ( 1 ) The soil respiration rate ( SRR ) on clear or cloudy day was markedly higher than that on overcast day before and after reviving .

  22. 利用8mm辐射计对8月份几种天气情况(晴、多云、阴)进行观测实验,统计结果表明多云和阴天对8mm辐射计的亮温有明显影响。

    The atmospheric radiant characteristics measured by 8mm radiometer had been introduced and analyzed for several kinds of weather ( sunny , cloudy , overcast ) . The experiment shows that cloud has an obvious effect on the apparent temperature of atmosphere .

  23. 2通过对建筑物室内照度数值模拟研究发现,采用CIE晴天天空模型和CIE阴天天空模型既能较准确地预测建筑物的室内天然光分布,又能有效地节省运算时间和计算机存储空间;

    With the study on numerical simulation of indoor illuminance , we find CIE clear sky model and CIE overcast sky model can be used for relative precise estimation of indoor daylight distribution , meanwhile , the calculating time and PC memory space are saved .

  24. 从东西向上看,夜晚温差为2~3℃,白天高温区在距东部40~50m处,而阴天变化较小;

    In the west-east direction , the temperature variety at night was 2 ~ 3 ℃ in winter ; The higher temperature was observed at the zone of 40 ~ 50m from the east in the clear day but the temperature variety was slight in the cloudy sky .

  25. 飞机上的有些仪器在阴天的时候是很难采集数据的。

    Several of the instruments onboard cannot gather data through clouds .

  26. 阴天的时候房间会很暗。

    The room will be very dark when it 's overcast .

  27. 我用的是太阳能计算器,而当时是阴天。

    I have a solar powered calculator and it was cloudy .

  28. 阴天,像要下雨了。

    Mom : It 's gloomy and it looks like rain .

  29. 他的病有点儿犯节气,一到阴天下雨就不舒服。

    He suffers attacks from a chronic disease whenever it rains .

  30. 阴天的,阴暗的天有点阴,可能下雨。

    overcast It 's a bit overcast ; it might rain .