
  • 网络Explosion proof type;ATEX;EXA TYPE;NAMUR;B. SJG
  1. 防爆型激光指向仪中的He-Ne激光电源

    He-Ne laser power source in the anti-explode laser pointer

  2. XDC防爆型巷道断面测量仪的研制

    Development of Model XDC Explosion-proof Instrument for Measurement of Roadways ' Cross Sectional Area

  3. 介绍了采用激光技术研制的XDC防爆型巷道断面测量仪的原理技术特性及软硬件设计。

    Model XDC explosion-proof instrument for measurement of roadways ' cross section developed by using laser technology is dealt with in the paper .

  4. 就NEX系列防爆型高效率电动机的设计制造要点、防爆安全性、技术水平及选用问题进行了分析探讨。

    In this article , key points in the design and manufacture , safety in explosion protection feature of series NEX high efficiency explosion protected electrical motor are described and explicated and approached the technical levels and selective application for this series motors .

  5. 防爆型长距离大倾角带式输送机的研究与试验

    Development and trials of flameproof long distance high angle belt conveyor

  6. 本质安全防爆型γ射线探头研制

    The Development of Explosion Proof Version γ Detector with Intrinsically Safe Output

  7. 矿用防爆型异步电动机电磁优化设计的研究

    Optimal electromagnetism design of flame-proof asynchronous motor for mine use

  8. 防爆型电阻加热器防爆结构和防爆措施的探讨

    Discussion on Explosion-proof Structure and Measures of Explosion-proof Resistance Heaters

  9. 防爆型三相感应电动机浅谈大型防爆异步电动机防爆型式的选择

    On the Choice of Large-scale Explosion-proof type of Asynchronous Motor

  10. 防爆型大倾角带式输送机的关键技术及应用

    Key technique and application of anti-explosive and high-angle belt conveyor

  11. 防爆型盘式制动器摩擦片形状和固定形式

    Shape and fixing method of friction dicks in explosion-proof disk type brake

  12. 可接受用户特殊设计、可制作成负压型,防爆型风淋室。

    Made as negative pressure and anti-exploding air shower according to users'requirement .

  13. 防爆型比例电磁铁的设计

    Design of explosive - proof type proportional electromagnetic iron

  14. 防爆型超声粘度仪的原理和结构研究

    Study on Principle and Structure of Explosion-Proof Ultrasonic Viscometer

  15. 矿用防爆型照明综保装置

    A Combination Protection of Mining Explosion Proof Type Lighting

  16. 防爆型组合式全站仪的井下测试

    Underground Test of the Explosion-proof Modular Type Total station

  17. 磁力传动泵的防爆型温度自动监测报警控制系统

    An Antidetonation Temperature Automatic Monitoring Alarming Control System of A Magnetic Transmission Pump

  18. 油漆干燥场所应严禁烟火,所有的电气设备应是防爆型的。

    The painting location should prohibit using fire and select explosion-proof electrical equipment .

  19. 防爆型涡街流量计检测电路分析

    Analysis to detection circuit for explosion-proof vortex flowmeter

  20. 辅助选配功能:防爆型设备。

    Optional auxiliary function : Explosion-proof equipment .

  21. 防爆型智能弹性刮板流量计

    Explosion-Proof Type Intellect Elasticity Sliding Vane Flowmeter

  22. 自适应遗传算法在防爆型高能量密度电机优化设计中的应用

    The Application of the Adaptive Genetic Algorithm to Optimum Design of the Explosion-Proof High-Energy Density Motor

  23. 安全防爆型氢化钠添加器,是一个整体结构。

    Disclosed is a safety explosion proof type sodium hydride adder which is an integral structure .

  24. 防爆型交流传动蓄电池电机车技术经济分析

    Technical and economic analysis on explosion - proof electric locomotives with A. C. drive and storage battery

  25. 本实用新型的防爆型燃气具用连接管,具有牢固、耐用的优点。

    The connecting hose used for the anti-blast gas appliances has the advantages of firmness and durability .

  26. 能在线连续测量辛烷值。简要地介绍了防爆型汽油辛烷值分析仪的测量原理、测量电路和仪表结构。

    The measuring principle , measuring circuit and instrument structure of the petrol octane value analyzer are introduced .

  27. 如有集中的气瓶间,则该房间的电具要求采用防爆型。

    If there is special gas cylinder room , explosion-proof electrical device should be provided in this room .

  28. 工作场所内的电气线路应采用钢管布线,电气设备选用防爆型的。

    The electric circuit in the work location should use steel-pipe laying wire and select explosion-proof electrical equipment .

  29. 对防爆型仪表而言,本章说明优先于本用户手册中的其他说明。

    For explosionproof type instrument , the description in this chapter is prior to other description in this users manual .

  30. 介绍一种能连续自动检测石油粘度的防爆型超声在线质量分析仪。

    An automatic explosion-proof ultrasonic on-line mass analyzer is introduced . The instrument can continuously and automatically measure viscosity of oil .