
jiàn dào
  • bypath;shortcut
间道[jiàn dào]
  1. 屋宇建起又倒坍、倾圮又重新扩建,迁移,毁坏,修复,或在原址出现一片空旷的田野,或一座工厂,或一条间道。

    Houses rise and fall , crumble , are extended , Are removed , destroyed , restored , or in their place is an open field , or a factory , or a by-pass .

  2. 在三国后期,无论是吞吴或灭蜀,邓艾都有不同的建树,如果说他的两淮兴屯为吞吴营造了物质基础,那么间道入蜀则是统一中国的关键。

    At the later period of the Three Kingdoms , Deng Ai made great achievements of Huai River is regarded as laying the material base for wiping out Wu , entering Shu by bypath would rather be the crux of unification of China .

  3. 试验组间消化道内容物pH值差别不显著(P>0.05)。

    Digesta pH in abomasum was the lowest in all alimentary canal ( P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 悄然间她道今夜可好?

    And quietly she says how was your night ?

  5. MIMO系统的传输环境是移动的多径衰落环境,因此接收端必须消除接收信号的符号间干扰利通道间干扰。

    The transmitting environment of MIMO system is always a mobile and multi path environment , so the receiver must get rid of the inter symbol interference and the inter channel interference .

  6. 突然间,那道山脉似乎也燃烧了起来。

    Suddenly , the ridge itself seemed to burst into flame .

  7. 比较两组间螺钉钉道准备时间及置入螺钉的准确率。

    Preparative time of screw canal and accuracy of screw were compared between two groups .

  8. 乳化剂包裹住油滴,在油滴间形成一道物质屏障。

    First , the agent coats the oil , serving as a physical barrier between the droplets .

  9. 加强斑块间的廊道建设,增强城市绿地的连接度,减轻破碎化对生物多样性带来的不利影响,在有限的生境内支持更多的野生动物。

    Corridors between patches should be built to minimize the influence of landscape fragment and heighten the landscape connectivity of urban greenbelts , which would be helpful to support more wildlife in the limited habitat area .

  10. 肺癌术中胶体~(32)P组织间照射治疗淋巴道隐匿性转移灶

    Effect of ~ ( 32 ) P-colloid interstitial irradiation on the treatment of occult lymphatic metastasis during lung cancer resection

  11. 全胃切除术后保留幽门环间置空肠消化道重建与食管空肠Roux-en-Y吻合的应用价值

    Evaluation of pylorus ring preserving jejunal interposition and oesophagus jejunum Roux-en-Y reconstruction after total gastrectomy

  12. 目的评价全胃切除术后保留幽门环间置空肠消化道重建与食管空肠Roux-en-Y吻合两种消化道重建方式的临床应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical values of pylorus ring preserving jejunal interposition and oesophagus jejunum Roux en Y reconstruction after total gastrectomy .

  13. 方法总结30年来全胃切除术后采用保留幽门环间置空肠消化道重建术与食管空肠Roux-en-Y吻合术治疗54例胃底贲门癌和胃体癌(Ⅰ期)患者的临床资料。

    Methods Fifty four patients with cardiac cancer and stomach body cancer received pylorus ring preserving jejunal interposition or oesophagus jejunum Roux en Y reconstruction after total gastrectomy . The clinical data including postoperative complications and nutritional status were analyzed .

  14. 二组间在上消化道出血发生率(4/11vs1/24)差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),而在食道静脉曲张(EV)、胸腹水、肝肾综合征、肝性脑病的发生率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);

    There was significant difference in upper digestive tract hemorrhage ( 4 / 11 vs 1 / 24 ; P < 0.01 ), but no difference in esophageal varices ( EV ), hydrothorax and ascites , hepatorenal syndrome , hepatic encephalopathy ( P > 0.05 ) between these two groups ;

  15. 总线是各个部分间通信的主干道。

    The bus is the main avenue of communication between the parts .

  16. 结果间置空肠消化道重建术27例,无手术死亡;

    Results Twenty seven patients received jejunal interposition , and no operative death occurred .

  17. 间置空肠消化道重建术对全胃切除术后患者早期营养状况的影响

    Influence of Jejunal Interposition Pouch Reconstruction on Nutritional Condition of Patients after Total Gastrectomy

  18. 挺立在故乡的青山绿水间,好比一道独特的风景。

    They protrude among the landscapes of my hometown , and become one particular scenery .

  19. 猛然间,在一道阳光中

    Sudden in a shaft of sunlight

  20. 结论保留幽门环间置空肠消化道重建术是简单可行而有效的方法。

    Conclusions Pylorus ring preserving jejunal interposition is a simple and effective method for reconstruction of the digest tract .

  21. 布达拉宫还是壁画的世界,数百间殿堂、廊道,满壁生辉。

    Potala Palace is also a world of murals , which are painted in hundreds of halls and corridors .

  22. 时间反转技术是一种空间信道匹配新技术,具有空间及时间聚焦特性,在克服码间干扰、共道干扰和多址干扰等方面具有独特的优势。

    The power allocation problem in multi-cell OFDM systems is studied in order to coordinate the co-channel interference ( CCI ) and improve the users performance in cell edge .

  23. 该系统解决了武广线良太间长大隧道低道碴电阻区段的红光带问题,确保了行车安全,提高了运输效率。

    This system resolved the red light strip problem within the low ballast impedance district of a long tunnel on Wuhan-Guangzhou line , ensuring train operation safety and enhancing the efficiency of transport .

  24. 但由于初高中逐渐分隔,教师间交流甚少,同时高中新课改滞后于初中,初高中生物教学间出现了一道鸿沟。

    However , there is a wide gap between junior school with senior high school , due to the few exchange and the gradual separation between them . Besides , senior school course reform lags behind the junior middle school .