
  • 网络isophthalic acid;Ipa;pia
  1. 研究结果表明:1.PET碳酸瓶片中二甘醇(DEG)与间苯二甲酸(IPA)含量的增加以及分子量的增大,均会使结晶速率降低。

    The results showed : 1.The content of diethylene glycol ( DEG ) and isophthalic acid , and the increase of molecular weight would decrease the rate of crystallization .

  2. 概述了世界间苯二甲酸(IPA)的生产、应用和市场现状,并对我国开发IPA提出了建议。

    The paper introduced the properties , application and production of isophthalic acid ( IPA ) as well as its market status on global scale , put forward the suggestions about IPA production developing in China .

  3. 以间苯二甲酸二价阴离子为桥联配体的Mn(Ⅱ)-Mn(Ⅱ)双核配合物的合成与磁性

    Synthesis and magnetism of binuclear Mn (ⅱ) - Mn (ⅲ) complexes using the dianion of isophthalic acids as bridging ligands

  4. 间苯二甲酸主要应用在不饱和聚酯树脂、PET聚酯树脂以及醇酸树脂方面,是一种极具发展前景的中间体原料。

    Isophthalic acid , an intermediate with wide developing prospects , is mainly used for unsaturated polyester resin , PET polyester resin and alkyd resin .

  5. 利用由聚酯生产中的固体废弃物TA残渣提取的对苯二甲酸和间苯二甲酸的混合二元酸与异辛醇反应制取混合型增塑剂。

    A mixed plasticizer was produced with mixed benzo-dicarboxylic acids extracted from TA residue as material to react with 2-ethylhexanol .

  6. 用双螺杆挤出机制备了尼龙6(PA6)/5-(钠代磺基)间苯二甲酸(5-SSIPA)复合材料。

    Nylon 6 / m-phthalic-5-sulfonic acid sodium ( PA6 / 5-SSIPA ) composites were prepared by a twin-screw extruder .

  7. 在聚酯中添加间苯二甲酸(IPA)和具有侧链结构的新戊二醇(DTG),制成了高收缩聚酯切片及纤维。

    High-shrinkage polyester chip and fibers can be produced by adding isophthalic acid ( IPA ) and neopentyl glycol ( DTG ) with side chain into polyester .

  8. 采用1,4-环己烷二甲醇(CHDM),间苯二甲酸改性PET,按照不同的CHDM,IPA含量合成出了一系列共聚酯。

    Series of 1,4-cyclohexane dimethanol ( CHDM ) and IPA modified poly ( ethylene terephthalate ) copolymers were synthesized according to different IPA and CHDM content .

  9. 介绍了间苯二甲酸(IPA)的生产技术,重点介绍了空气液相氧化法生产IPA,其工艺分3个阶段,即粗IPA的制备,精IPA制备、母液及残渣的处理。

    The production technologies for isophthalic acid ( IPA ) were introduced , emphatically air liquid phase oxidation which comprised coarse IPA preparation , purified IPA preparation and liquor and residues treatment .

  10. 本文利用折光率控制预聚反应凝胶点,制取DAIP(间苯二甲酸二烯丙酯)预聚液,并根据凝胶时间、折光率研究DAIP单体预聚反应动力学。

    The reaction kinetics of prepolymerization of diallyl isophthalate ( DAIP ) was studied through the gelation time and the refraction index respectively .

  11. 综述了近20年来涤纶染色改性剂间苯二甲酸二甲酯-5-磺酸钠(SIPM)合成研究进展。

    The research progress in synthesis of sodium dimethyl isophthalate-5-sulfonate ( SIPM ) , a dye modifier for PET fibers , was reviewed in recent 20 years .

  12. 采用共固化的方法,得到酚醛环氧树脂(F-51)和间苯二甲酸二烯丙基酯(DAIP)的共固化树脂。

    A co-cure method of novolac epoxy resin ( F-51 ) and diallyl isophthalate ( DAIP ) were used to enhance the heat resistance of epoxy resins .

  13. 用间苯二甲酸(PIA)、二甘醇(DEG)作改性剂合成共聚酯,利用DSC分析加入2%~8%(mol)PIA对改性共聚酯的影响。

    Pure isophthalic acid ( PIA ) and diethylene glycol ( DEG ) were used as modifiers to produce copolyester . The effect of PTA of 2 % ~ 8 % ( mol ) on the modified copolyester was analyzed by DSC .

  14. 对苯二甲酸二甲酯(DMT).3.5-间苯二甲酸二甲酯苯磺酸钠(SIPM)通过与乙二醇的酯交换及熔融共缩聚反应,得到了一组不同离于含量的离聚物。

    A class of polyester ionomers with various contents of sulfonate group were prepared from dimethyl terephalate ( DMT ) and dimthyl ( sodiosulfo ) phathalate ( SIPM ) by ester-exchange reaction and then melt co-polycondensation .

  15. 探讨了用高效液相色谱法测定间苯二甲酸双羟乙酯5磺酸钠(SIPE)的酯交换率的测试条件。

    A method for determining the ester exchanging rate in the synthesis of 5-sodium sulfo bis - ( Hydroxyethyl ) isophthalate by high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) was developed .

  16. 介绍了我国阳离子可染聚酯(CDP)的生产路线及其改性剂间苯二甲酸二甲酯-5-磺酸钠(SIPM)和间苯二甲酸双羟乙酯-5-磺酸钠(SIPE)的合成工艺。

    The domestic production processes of cationic dyeable polyester ( CDP ) and its modifiers , namely 5-sodium sulfo dimethyl isophthalate ( SIPM ) and 5-sodium sulfo bis ( - hydroxyethyl ) isophthalate ( SIPE ) were introduced .

  17. 间苯二甲酸(IPA)是一种极具发展前景的中间体原料,主要用于生产聚酯、涂料、特种纤维、热熔粘合剂、印刷油墨、聚酯纤维染色改性剂和树脂增塑剂等。

    M-phthalic acid ( IPA ) is an intermediate raw material with great foreground , it can be used to produce raw material of polyester , dope , special type fibre , thermographic adhesive agent , printing ink , polyester fibre dyeing modifying agent and resin plasticity agent .

  18. 间苯二甲酸磺酸钠改性水性醇酸氨基漆的研制钻井稳定剂甲基硅醇钠的合成及性能研究

    Research on Synthesis of Monosodium Isophthalic Sulfonate Modified Waterborne Alkyd-Amino Coatings

  19. 水中邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物的预富集间苯二甲酸二缩水甘油酯的合成

    Enrichment of Phthalate Esters in Water SYNTHESIS OF DIGLYCIDYL m - PHTHALATE

  20. 高浓度间苯二甲酸二乙酯生产废水处理工艺研究

    Study on Treatment of Isophthalic Acid Diethyl Ester Wastewater by Combination Processes

  21. 活性炭在间苯二甲酸生产降耗中的应用

    Isophthalic Acid in the Production of Activated Carbon in the Application of Energy

  22. 间苯二甲酸连续多级结晶的数学模拟

    Mathematical Model of Continuous Multistage Crystallization of m-Phthalic Acid

  23. 网络骨架组装工程:5-硝基间苯二甲酸形成的配位聚合物网络多样性

    Framework Assembly Engineering : Network Diversity of Coordination Polymers Constructed by 5-Nitroisophthalic Acid

  24. 间苯二甲酸二甲酯的好氧微生物降解及其生化途径

    Aerobic biodegradation of an endocrine-disrupting chemical , dimethyl isophthalate , and its biochemical pathway

  25. 高效液相色谱法测定间苯二甲酸中的微量杂质

    Determination of micro amount of impurities in m-phthalic acid by high performance liquid chromatography

  26. 间苯二甲酸二烯丙基酯树脂增韧改性的研究

    Study on the toughness modification of DAIP resin

  27. 分子氧常压氧化制备间苯二甲酸的研究

    Study on the preparation of m-toluic acid by oxidation with oxygen under atmospheric pressure

  28. 间苯二甲酸双羟乙酯-5-磺酸钠的高效液相色谱分析

    Analysis of 5-Sodium sulfo bis - ( hydroxyethyl ) Isophthalate by High Performance Liquid Chromatography

  29. 化合物5和6是由不对称二羧酸配体间苯二甲酸盐和双齿螯合有机氮配体1,10-phen合成的具有双螺旋结构的化合物。

    Compounds 5 and 6 are neutral cross double-helical structure constructed from isophthalate and 1,10-phen ligands .

  30. 间苯二甲酸二苯酯;

    Isophthalic acid diphenyl ester ;